Beware of Greeks Bearing Gifts . . .

. . . especially when it concerns the 2016 elections. This is a headline from the cult leader at ToP.

"Sanders seeks to disqualify two great liberals from convention".

He speaks of two "democrats" we now know to dislike intensely (hate really is to strong a word), Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy, and former House Representative (now hard core lobbyist) Barney Frank. The most stunning part is when the Greek bearing gifts talks about these two, he states - basically - they are what now passes for a "liberal". He considers Frank so because of the Dodd-Frank act, which started out as weak and then was watered down even further by both sides in the debate and passing of the "law"
And Malloy, who has done some admirable things in Connecticut (paid family leave, stricter gun laws, and a decline in the state’s prison population) is supposedly an intelligent person, is doing HRC's dirty work including being a major attack dog against Bernie. And I quote

“Governor Malloy and Mr. Frank have both been aggressive attack surrogates for the Clinton campaign,” Sanders campaign counsel Brad Deutsch wrote in a letter to the party’s Rules and Bylaws Committee. “Their criticisms of Sen. Sanders have gone beyond dispassionate ideological disagreement and have exposed a deeper professional, political and personal hostility toward the senator and his campaign."

The whole article is from a another supposed "Liberal", who - now that his family and he a VERY well - off have decided to forget from whence they came. To use a phrase I have used many times (paraphrasing here) is that there are those who's lively-hood depends upon being ignorant of those who are not so fortunate.

I have noticed that ToP lately seems to be headed by those in various professions which are mostly upper white collar. I've been blue-collar, paper bag lunch, UNION man my whole life. Right now I work in a non-union supermarket based out of Rochester, NY. Unbeknownst to most of management (who just went through an anti-union briefing), I've been working behind the scenes, reminding the youngsters who work there (I'm in my 60's) of what a union has done over the years, the benefits gained (wages, vacation time, sick leave, PENSIONS) while people who have worked there 20 to 30 years are making under $40,000.00/year. When I retired from my UNION job, I was earning $48,000.00/year, in 2004. And still having contact with those whom I worked with, it's now around $60,000.00/year for my skill set.

I have yet to see or hear ANY of these schmucks (Hillary, Frank, Malloy) go to bat for unions. In this manner, they have dropped the banner of Liberalism and ground it into the dirt. I hope Bernie kick their mother-fucking asses, and if he doesn't(?), it will be time to hold certain politicians' feet to the fire.

Thanks for allowing this rant.

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With the "*" removed, it's "neoliberal" meaning corporatist and "human resources" are no more than sacks of cement or kegs of nails: They(we) are to be used and discarded as cheaply as possible.

If Barney Frank is on your side, you are doing something wrong in my view.

Nice post.

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"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"

Nilap Haras's picture

Thanks for pointing out the "liberal" versus neo-liberal. And I once admired Barney Frank, but since he has become Barney the Dinosaur . . .

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“Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say.” - Edward Snowden 2016

I'm a great believer in unions, even though I retired as a lawyer. We all owe unions a huge debt, and when they sink, they take the population of the United States with them. As for the "liberalism" of filthy rich scum like Frank and Malloy -- and Hillary and Boxer and Feinstein and all the rest of the prostitute chorus line that calls itself the Democratic Party -- I finally understand what the Republicans meant by "limousine liberals." Only the "limousine" part is meant to be taken literally.

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Twain Disciple

Males outnumber females by almost 2:1
Average income over $100,000
Most have grad school education
Average age over 55 with largest age category over 65

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Nilap Haras's picture

Thanks to Euterpe2 for the checking of the Orange Football's numbers. What really surprises me is the number of members(?) over 65 being the largest. So I guess this means the Trojan-horse ain't getting its share of the lower age demographic? Awwwww. Too bad, so sad.

If that trend continues, the Orange Fluff ball will go the way of the dodo and the supporting base of the GOP.

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“Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say.” - Edward Snowden 2016