BNR Editorials from TOP for 3-26-16

These are YESTERDAY'S editorials from the Bernie News Roundup comment. I got distracted with caucus coverage and was too busy crying with joy to post.


Posted by LoneStarMike

I’m so looking forward to today.

Current Facebook stats as of 5:20 a.m. CST

Bernie2016/Hillary2016/Senator Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders 3,560,097 Presidential Campaign Page

Hillary Clinton 3,015,075 Presidential Campaign Page

Bernie Sanders 3,582,674 U. S. Senatorial Page

Yesterday, Bernie had 540,934 more likes than Sec. Clinton

Today, Bernie has 545,022 more likes than Sec. Clinton

(The gap widens — I think the bird helped)


Sign The Petition For TYT To Host A Democratic Debate — Duration 3:54

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We have a new petition that another viewer has started. It’s to get a Democratic debate on The Young Turks. Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian, Jimmy Dore, and Jordan Chariton (TYT Politics), hosts of The Young Turks, break it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

"This petition is to request the DNC to allow The Young Turks to host a debate between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. Having a media outlet NOT INFLUENCED by Corporate Money would show the rest of the Main Stream Media how to host a debate. Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian, Jimmy Dore and John Iadarola can go toe to toe with ANY MSM "Journalists."

We want to see a debate where Sanders and Clinton can be properly questioned about policy with appropriate followups. The Young Turks have a huge out reach online and it would be a great opportunity to discuss in depth issues that are important for the DNC and for the whole nation. Not much time left in the election process so lets try to get this done!”

Sign the petition here


Don't count out Bernie Sanders, the best choice

Telegraph Herald LTE — Dubuque, Iowa (This paper covers the Tri-State area of Iowa, Illinois and Wisconsin)

In spite of what mainline media may be saying, Sen. Bernie Sanders is still in the race and has a very good chance of going all the way to the Democratic Convention. I support Bernie Sanders for president for several reasons.

Our young grandchildren live in Ireland. When their parents consider moving to the United States, they face a dilemma regarding affordable health insurance. Bernie Sanders is the only candidate who would work to move to universal/single-payer with everyone covered for less cost than most of us are paying for health insurance now. No co-pays, donut holes, deductibles and would include dental and nursing home care.

Unless we join together and elect Bernie Sanders, along with a supportive Congress, single-payer will never happen.

What about college education? Our grandchildren could attend college in Germany and graduate with little, if any, debt. Sanders’ plan to make attending public colleges and universities tuition-free would provide an option for our grandchildren to come to the U.S. for their college education.

Bernie Sanders’ background, his many accomplishments and his sense of morality are impressive: “What I believe in and what my spirituality is about is that we are all in this together. We are one world and one people.”

I urge Wisconsin voters to support Bernie Sanders on April 5 and join the “revolution” for needed change. Now is the time! We may not have another opportunity like this.



Bernie is best

The Daily Astorian LTE — Astoria, Oregon

As a strong advocate for sensible gun control measures, I support Bernie Sanders for president because he is most likely to achieve the needed regulations supported by the majority of the electorate.

First, Sanders believes in a middle-ground solution. He voted for background checks to prevent firearms from getting into the hands of felons and the mentally ill, for a federal ban on assault weapons and closing loopholes which allow private sellers at gun shows and on the Internet to sell to individuals without background checks. He believes magazines holding more than 10 bullets should be banned nationwide.

Second, with new voters who are energized Sanders supporters, communities throughout the nation might elect leaders who are less obligated to powerful monied interests. In Lane County, it could result in enforcement of sensible gun control measures.

Last year I met for an hour with one of the four Lane County Commissioners who signed Order and Resolution 15-06-02-05, which sends the message our officials would not work to enforce Oregon Senate Bill 941, closing the gun sale background check loophole. The commissioner assured me he would respond, but I’ve yet to receive a response from him, even after I sent him an email reminder.

Sanders is the best candidate to lead the effort for sensible gun control measures at the national and local levels because of his middle-of-the road position and because of his supporting electorate.


Song — Bernie Sanders — Duration 3:45

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Sanders supports working families

La Crosse Tribune LTE #1 — La Crosse, Wisconsin

Central to my life is raising children who are engaged and thoughtful. Children who are nourished and can tangibly see and feel support from their community. As a 36-year-old mother I care about my children’s current and future wellbeing, as well as, their friends and classmates.

Many parents feel the economic hardship of long hours, low wages, lack of affordable education and health-care options. While Badgercare assists very low-income families, the gap between eligibility for that program and private insurance leaves many families without comprehensive and affordable options. Families work long hours, with precious time away from home, and still with barely enough to cover basic expenses. Families lacking affordable health care and facing medical debt only perpetuate more poverty. This is sad and unnecessary. It is unfortunate to have to choose between paying bills, purchasing healthy food and saving for education. This constellation of stress is a true reality and a very poor reflection about how we care for our most vulnerable.

This election year my choice for president is clear: Sen. Bernie Sanders. He has unwavering support for working families through promotion of a living minimum wage and health care for all. Balancing work and play, with less distress, serves everyone.

Additionally, I appreciate Bernie Sanders' policies on a wide array of issues. His support for criminal and racial justice, women’s equality and taking money out of politics. He gets my vote.



Support Sanders for our future

La Crosse Tribune LTE #2 — La Crosse, Wisconsin

In spite of what mainline media may be saying, Sen. Bernie Sanders is still in the race and has a very good chance of going all the way to the Democratic convention.

I support Bernie Sanders for president for several reasons. Our young grandchildren live in Ireland. When their parents consider moving to the United States they face a dilemma –- affordable health insurance.

Bernie Sanders is the only candidate who would work to move to universal /single-payer with everyone covered for less cost than most of us are paying for health insurance now. No co-pays, donut holes, deductibles and would include dental and nursing home care.

Unless we join together and elect Bernie Sanders, along with a supportive Congress, single-payer will never happen. What about college education? Our grandchildren could attend college in Germany and graduate with little, if any, debt. Sanders’ plan to make attending public colleges and universities tuition- free would provide an option for our grandchildren to come to the United States for their college education.

Bernie Sanders’ background, his many accomplishments and his sense of morality are impressive: “What I believe in and what my spirituality is about is that we are all in this together. We are one world and one people.” I urge you to vote for Sen. Bernie Sanders in the April 5 Wisconsin Presidential Primary and join the revolution for needed change.


Sanders brightens a discouraging election

La Crosse Tribune LTE #3 — La Crosse, Wisconsin

Here we are in the last stretch of political fervor before Wisconsin’s primary April 5. The divisiveness in our country continues its display in living color, along with some outright and embarrassing disregard for human dignity. I feel alarmed and profoundly sad about this erosion in our political process. The rallying behind fear and anger, as well as big money and deception, harms us all. Who is really served? Certainly our children, hardworking families, elderly, veterans, disabled, schools and small businesses are not.

I have participated in every election over four decades. I consider voting my citizen responsibility. I am grateful to have this right, and want everyone to have ease and accessibility to vote. Frankly, I can understand the befuddlement, apathy and frustration many feel, as I feel it myself. The ugliness, corruption and big money have turned off so many. Holy cow. This is sad.

I am taking my discouragement and putting it to positive action. I am voting for integrity. Thus, this election season is crystal clear for me. There is only one presidential candidate I can stand solidly behind. That candidate is Sen. Bernie Sanders. He has demonstrated consistency, integrity and respect for all, over many decades. He is a statesman, not a millionaire, and cares about the 100 percent. His momentum, as a formidable candidate, comes out of a groundswell of local efforts; not special interests, great big money or any favors by the media. Hear Bernie speak. Get facts, not fiction.


Three reasons to vote for Sanders instead of Clinton

Tri-City Herald LTE — Kennewick, Washington

There are three good reasons why Bernie Sanders would make a better president than Hillary Clinton.

First, Sanders will do a better job of ensuring Wall Street does not wreck our economy again. Clinton won’t even release the transcripts of the speeches she gave at Goldman Sachs. Voters are expected to wait until she’s president before they can figure out what promises she made to Wall Street.

Second, Sanders will make a better commander-in-chief. He voted against the Iraq war because he knew it was not wise and had the courage to stand up to the establishment. Clinton’s vote for the war showed poor judgment and a lack of foresight, and that vote should disqualify her (again). There should be no second chance for her, or anyone else who voted for the war, to make such a world-changing, stupendous blunder again.

Lastly, Sanders will do a better job of giving the middle-class a much-needed raise. He’s been fighting for the middle class his entire life, and people will trust him to raise taxes on the wealthy. Clinton also says she wants to help the middle class, but she doesn’t want to pay for it with new taxes on the wealthy.



Voting for Bernie

Independent Mail LTE — Anderson, South Carolina

Today's Wall Street Journal (2/17/15) reported:

(1) Pfizer Pharmaceutical Company has agreed to pay $785 million "to settle allegations that its Wyeth Unit overcharged Medicaid. ...The Justice Department … has stated it believes Wyeth's liability in the case should exceed $2 billion dollars."

(2) Elsewhere in the same issue, the WSJ reported that in 2008 Merck & Co agreed to pay $250 million to settle allegations of overcharging Medicare.

(3) In 2012, GlaxoSmithKline agreed to pay $3 billion to settle charges it marketed drugs that weren't approved by U.S. regulators.

All of this was in crooked efforts to make obscene profits and to rip off the American people so their CEOs could make obscene salaries. Wall Street and the big banks are just about as guilty, or more so, because their mortgage schemes in 2008 almost caused a world-wide depression. It caused millions of American workers to lose their jobs and life savings. Bernie Sanders is the only candidate, Democrat or Republican, who is not beholden to Big Money on Wall Street.

My name is Robert Gallant and I approve this message … and I am voting for Bernie Sanders, the only candidate who has the "fire in the belly" needed to take on the job of cleaning up this mess for the American people.

In 2016 your vote for Bernie Sanders will matter. I was born in Anderson 86 years ago, am not a member of any political party, and I consider this to be the most critical vote I shall ever make.

It’s a shame this LTE only made the paper now — a month after South Carolina held its’ primary.





Posted by RockyLivigstone

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I could watch that thing with T-Rump and the eagle forever.

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LeChienHarry's picture

Then she riffed on Portlandia. They have a bird on things meme. You could tell she was really enjoying it.

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You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce

If you can donate, please! POP Money is available for bank-to-bank transfers. Email JtC to make a monthly donation.

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GreyWolf's picture

but, despite Maddow's obvious enjoyment of the moment, she has clearly defected to the "nope" wing and sees the world as half empty.

"Not very unusual for a bird to get in a large building ..."

Yeah, OK, maybe 1 in 100 odds ...

For a bird to get in a large building (1 in 100) and and to befriend one out of 40,000 (1 in 40,000) during a televised event (I've never seen it before and expect it be 1 in a million, but I'll be conservative and just say 1 in 40,000 again).

100 x 40,000 x 40,000 = 160,000,000,000

So, total odds are are least One in a Hundred Billion ...


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I appreciate having the BNR LTEs here!

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I'm glad to be of service!

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Love of power is a puppet string. - Makana, Fire is Ours

mouselander's picture

The Bernie News Roundup is just about the only thing I really miss from TOS. Thanks a bunch for posting it here. Really a lot of great information.

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inactive account

I'm still arguing over doing that - LD would like to do it himself, but doesn't currently have the time, and there is concern that if it's made available here his mojo/tips/recs/BNR Act Blue jar will suffer for it.

LoneStarMike's given his go ahead to post the LTE's and various other media things he posts in the comments, though, and I grab a few other substansive things at the same time, so those are here. If late.

Thanks for the comment though!

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Love of power is a puppet string. - Makana, Fire is Ours

RantingRooster's picture

for the Bernie LTE's and I appreciate it. It's ice to stay informed.


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C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote