Did you get this email from Bernie about Lucy Flores in Nevada?

EMILY's list pulled it's endorsement of Lucy Flores after she supported Bernie

I need to share a story with you, MsGrin. It will probably anger you, but hopefully it will also inspire you to take action in support of one of the most courageous people I’ve met during this campaign.
Lucy Flores was the first Latina assemblywoman in Nevada and made national news when she became one of the first elected officials to testify about an abortion she had at the age of 16.

During her 2014 campaign one D.C. pro-choice group, EMILY’s List, endorsed her and added that she was an "inspiring community leader." They even kicked off a program to elect more Latinas to Congress in 2016.
But then Lucy Flores endorsed our political revolution before the Nevada caucus, and everything changed. EMILY’s List decided to endorse a different person in Lucy’s House race this time around. So I want to support Lucy like she’s supported us, because we stand together. And I am asking you to join me:

Split a contribution between our campaign and Lucy Flores today and send a powerful message that we are going to win this primary AND elect a Congress willing to stand up to the political establishment and billionaire class of this country.

Emily’s List Slammed on Facebook for Not Endorsing Latina Lucy Flores for Congress

Here's one of those comments on FB from the article:

And to endorse a wealthy white woman running a struggling campaign against a Latina front-runner SCARCELY A WEEK AFTER ANNOUNCING AN INITIATIVE TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF LATINAS IN ELECTED OFFICE?

Oh, this silly season is so chalk full of hypocrisy along side all those 'abortion-rights' groups endorsing a candidate who is calling for an earlier ban on late-term terminations than we have currently.

I thought these groups were above these sorts of shenanigans...

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Not suprising since Emily's list is mostly concerned about a candidate's genetic makeup than about the candidate's likely policies; in this case they've got the big prize in their sights.

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Its endorsed candidates list is headed by Hillary Clinton and includes women who endorse Clinton. I enjoyed scribbling all over that quasi-survey and sealing the opinions it purported to seek (though it was a blatant invitation to pay for membership) in the postage-paid envelope. To make myself quite clear, I block-printed LUCY FLORES-NV on the back. And then I went straight to Flores' ActBlue page and contributed to her campaign. She was out front with Sanders early and eloquently. Biggrin

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"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti

Christine.MI's picture

Thanks for sharing! I did the same to my envelope and added "Shame on you, Emily's List". I suspect I'll never get another survey from them again.

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Steven D's picture

that's a dickish move by Emily's List, but hell, I'll take my chances.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

elenacarlena's picture

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supporting Hillary. This group is a rich professional girls club. I can donate to Sanders a little bit at a time but I cannot give the amount that Emily's list ask of it's members. I don't pay any attention to that group and who they support. We can all send a little love to Lucy Flores to make up for this.

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elenacarlena's picture

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Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.

Lenzabi's picture

I no longer respond to Emily's List, they are 100% Hilary backers, all else can screw off as far as they are concerned.

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So long, and thanks for all the fish

they are 100% Hilary backers,

Yes, I have also come to believe that. As near as I can tell, their priority order is:

1. Support for Hillary (They will back a male who supports her over a female who supports Bernie)

2. Gender (They will support a conservative female over a progressive male, unless that male supports Hillary)

3. There is no #3 - that's it.

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