"Duh..." Moment

So I've seen links to a story spouting "Clinton's Numbers Against Drumpf Improve if Sanders Drops From Race". Really? Took a lot of intellectual effort to figure that one out, did it? Do you think maybe, just maybe, if that study was reversed you'd end up with the result "Sanders' Numbers Against Drumpf Improve if Clinton Drops From Race"? And since Bernie's numbers are much better against Drumpf now, having Clinton drop might lead to a landslide victory for Sanders. Don't think I'll be seeing any headlines that say that, though.

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GreyWolf's picture

Do you think maybe, just maybe, if that study was reversed you'd end up with the result "Sanders' Numbers Against Drumpf Improve if Clinton Drops From Race

Everything seems to be like that, the media, authority figures, etc, always frame things how they want you to see them ... Automatically I think the inverse of whatever I am told, so reliably automatically that I offend myself, and so I then argue against myself in favor of the original proposition ...

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mjsmeme's picture

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TheLeftistheCenter's picture

There you go again, applying logic to propaganda tsk tsk tsk when will you ever learn Wink

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riverlover's picture

We are just followers, taught in school to be believers in what we are told.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

At any rate, neither Trump nor his father ever bore the surname Drumpf, and whether Trump's grandfather had also anglicized the name at some point remained unclear.


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Hawkfish's picture

as long as it is a) offensive and b) not likely to give him free publicity. As a corollary, C) untrue is not important.

For bonus points, make it something that sticks. I wish Dan Savage would do a Santorum on him...

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We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg

edg's picture

lowering yourself to Trump's schoolyard bully level makes you feel better about yourself. Hey, whatever it takes. But keep in mind that name-calling is rarely productive and often says more about the caller than the callee.

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Hawkfish's picture

This is about fighting rhetoric with rhetoric. If he was going to actually talk about real things, then we would be able to argue and maybe disagree. But that is not what he is doing at all. His campaign is entirely a cynical exercise in emotional manipulation and I see nothing wrong with using his own weapons against him. He chose them, so we get to use them.

There is also a difference between attacking him this way and attacking his followers. I have never advocated doing he latter. Many of them are in pain and lashing out, but he is not the solution to their problems. We need to make sure that their concerns are heard without belittling them, and I grant you that is tricky. But the first step is to stop giving him all this free publicity.

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We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg

edg's picture

The free publicity needs to stop. Every time a blog posts a Trump article, every piece of newspaper and TV coverage Trump receives helps him. Even supposedly bad publicity usually works to Trump's advantage. It's sad to think how easily Bernie could have won the nomination if he'd gotten even 1/2 the coverage Trump did.

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NinoTheMindBender's picture

There was an extension I had that changed the name Trump to Drumpf that I had just for giggles. I didn't realize it actually changed the name in my writing where everyone saw it. I wrote "Trump" when I did this, not "Drumpf". I've disabled it now.

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wilderness voice's picture

should be met with calls for HiIlary to drop out instead, considering that Bernie polls much better in the general. Not to mention a certain, ahem, ongoing investigation.

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