The Evening Blues - 3-3-23


The day's news roundup + tonight's musical feature: Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio

Hey! Good Evening!

This evening's music features Seattle soul-jazz band Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio. Enjoy!

Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio - Move On Up

"A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it."

-- Albert Einstein

News and Opinion

Here’s the real reason the EPA doesn’t want to test for toxins in East Palestine

The decision to release and burn five tanker cars of vinyl chloride and other chemicals at the site of a 38-car derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, just over three weeks ago unleashed a gigantic cloud full of particulates that enveloped surrounding neighborhoods and farms in Ohio and Pennsylvania.

It is well documented that burning chlorinated chemicals like vinyl chloride will generate dioxins. “Dioxin” is the name given to a group of persistent, very toxic chemicals that share similar chemical structures. The most toxic form of dioxin is 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin or TCDD. TCDD is more commonly recognized as the toxic contaminant found in Agent Orange and at Love Canal, New York and Times Beach, Missouri, both sites of two of the most tragic environmental catastrophes in US history. ...

And now, we are asking, why isn’t EPA testing for dioxins in East Palestine, Ohio? Are dioxins present in the soil downwind from the site of the accident? ... These are important questions that deserve to be answered. Today there are no clear answers. Why? Because no one has done any testing for dioxins anywhere in East Palestine. No one. And, it seems, that the EPA is uninterested in testing for dioxins, behaving as though dioxin is no big deal. ...

There is no question that dioxins were formed in the vinyl chloride fire. They would have formed on the particulate matter – the black soot – in the cloud that was so clearly visible at the time of the burn. Now, the question is how much is in the soil where people live in and around East Palestine. Without testing, no one will know and the people who live there will remain in the dark, uncertain about their fate. This is important because of the adverse health effects associated with exposure to dioxins. Exposure to dioxins can cause cancer, reproductive damage, developmental problems, type 2 diabetes, ischemic heart disease, infertility in adults, impairment of the immune system and skin lesions. ...

So why is EPA unwilling to test for dioxins in the soil? My guess is because they know they will find it. And if they find it, they’ll have to address the many questions people are asking. It will not be easy to interpret the results of the testing for dioxins in soil, but to avoid testing is irresponsible. The EPA’s mission is to protect human health and the environment. Clearly the situation in East Palestine is the place where EPA should follow its mission and do right by the people who live in this town.

US Ambassador To China: “We’re The Leader” Of The Indo-Pacific

A recent US Chamber of Commerce InSTEP program hosted three empire managers to talk about Washington’s top three enemies, with the US ambassador to China Nicholas Burns discussing the PRC, the odious Victoria Nuland discussing Russia, and the US ambassador to Israel Tom Nides talking about Iran.

Toward the end of the hour-long discussion, Burns made the very interesting comment that Beijing must accept that the United States is “the leader” in the region and isn’t going anywhere.

“From my perspective sitting here in China looking out at the Indo-Pacific, our American position is stronger than it was five or ten years ago,” Burns said, citing the strength of US alliances, its private sector and its research institutions and big tech companies.

“And I do think that the Chinese now understand that the United States is staying in this region — we’re the leader in this region in many ways,” Burns added emphatically.

The “Indo-Pacific” is a term which has gained a lot of traction in geopolitical discourse in recent years, typically describing the vast multi-continental region between Australia to the south, Asia to the north, Africa to the west, and the middle of the Pacific Ocean to the east. It contains half the Earth’s population, and it very much includes China.

After making the rather audacious claim of being “the leader” of a region which China is a part of but the United States is not, Burns went on to claim the US does not want any kind of confrontation with the Chinese government.

“We want a future of peace with China,” Burns said. “As President Biden makes clear every time he talks about this, we don’t want conflict, but we’re gonna hold our own out here. And I feel optimistic, just concluding my first year as ambassador, about the American position in this country and in this region.”

Again, Burns is saying this from China, so by “in this country” he means in China.

Burns supported the Iraq war and is on record saying that “China is the greatest threat to the security of our country and of the democratic world,” and he was appointed to his current position for a reason. Though especially hawkish and American supremacist, his comments are entirely in alignment with official US foreign policy; here’s an excerpt from a White House strategy published last year titled “Indo-Pacific Strategy of the United States“:

The United States is an Indo-Pacific power. The region, stretching from our Pacific coastline to the Indian Ocean, is home to more than half of the world’s people, nearly two-thirds of the world’s economy, and seven of the world’s largest militaries. More members of the U.S. military are based in the region than in any other outside the United States. It supports more than three million American jobs and is the source of nearly $900 billion in foreign direct investment in the United States. In the years ahead, as the region drives as much as two-thirds of global economic growth, its influence will only grow—as will its importance to the United States.

In a quickly changing strategic landscape, we recognize that American interests can only be advanced if we firmly anchor the United States in the Indo-Pacific and strengthen the region itself, alongside our closest allies and partners.

This intensifying American focus is due in part to the fact that the Indo-Pacific faces mounting challenges, particularly from the PRC. The PRC is combining its economic, diplomatic, military, and technological might as it pursues a sphere of influence in the Indo-Pacific and seeks to become the world’s most influential power. The PRC’s coercion and aggression spans the globe, but it is most acute in the Indo-Pacific. From the economic coercion of Australia to the conflict along the Line of Actual Control with India to the growing pressure on Taiwan and bullying of neighbors in the East and South China Seas, our allies and partners in the region bear much of the cost of the PRC’s harmful behavior. In the process, the PRC is also undermining human rights and international law, including freedom of navigation, as well as other principles that have brought stability and prosperity to the Indo-Pacific.

Our collective efforts over the next decade will determine whether the PRC succeeds in transforming the rules and norms that have benefitted the Indo-Pacific and the world. For our part, the United States is investing in the foundations of our strength at home, aligning our approach with those of our allies and partners abroad, and competing with the PRC to defend the interests and vision for the future that we share with others. We will strengthen the international system, keep it grounded in shared values, and update it to meet 21st-century challenges. Our objective is not to change the PRC but to shape the strategic environment in which it operates, building a balance of influence in the world that is maximally favorable to the United States, our allies and partners, and the interests and values we share.

As we discussed recently, history’s unfolding has shown us that the US empire’s plan to “shape the strategic environment” in which China operates has meant continuing to encircle China with war machinery in ways the US would never permit itself to be encircled. So when men like Joe Biden and Nicholas Burns claim the US does not seek a confrontation with China, what they really mean is that they hope China just sits back without responding to the confrontation the US is already inflicting upon it.

The way US empire managers talk about “leading” ostensibly sovereign states with ostensibly independent governments shows you they really do think they own the world. We see this in news stories like US officials admonishing Brazil for permitting Iran to harbor military ships thousands of miles away from the US coastline, while continually shrieking about China asserting a small sphere of influence over the South China Sea which the US continually transgresses by sailing and flying its own war machinery right through it.

We also see US empire managers claiming ownership of the entire planet in instances like when they drew a “red line” on China providing Russia with military assistance even as the US and its allies pour weapons into Ukraine, or the time Biden said that “everything south of the Mexican border is America’s front yard,” or the time then-Press Secretary Jen Psaki remarked on the mounting tensions around Ukraine that it is in America’s interest to support “our eastern flank countries”, suggesting that the eastern flank of the United States is eastern Europe and not its own geographic eastern coastline.

They claim ownership over the entire planet while pretending that they do not seek confrontation with the nations they try to subjugate, and interpret any refusal to be subjugated as an unprovoked act of aggression. This is taking our world in a very dangerous direction, and we need to do something to stop it.

China leading US in technology race in all but a few fields, thinktank finds

The United States and other western countries are losing the race with China to develop advanced technologies and retain talent, with Beijing potentially establishing a monopoly in some areas, a new report has said. China leads in 37 of 44 technologies tracked in a year-long project by thinktank the Australian Strategic Policy Institute. The fields include electric batteries, hypersonics and advanced radio-frequency communications such as 5G and 6G.

The report, published on Thursday, said the US was the leader in just the remaining seven technologies such as vaccines, quantum computing and space launch systems. It said the findings were based on “high impact” research in critical and emerging technology fields, focusing on papers that were published in top-tier journals and were highly cited by subsequent research.

“Our research reveals that China has built the foundations to position itself as the world’s leading science and technology superpower, by establishing a sometimes stunning lead in high-impact research across the majority of critical and emerging technology domains,” the report said.

“The critical technology tracker shows that, for some technologies, all of the world’s top 10 leading research institutions are based in China and are collectively generating nine times more high-impact research papers than the second-ranked country (most often the US).”

The Chinese Academy of Sciences ranked first or second in most of the 44 technologies included in the tracker, the report added.

Washington Seeks to Drum Up Support for Sanctions on China

The Joe Biden administration is pressuring allies to sanction China if Beijing decides to send arms to Russia, Reuters reported on Wednesday. Top American officials have claimed the Chinese government is considering providing weapons for Moscow’s war in Ukraine.

According to the outlet, the talks on expanding the economic war with China are in the preliminary phase. It is unclear what sectors of Beijing’s economy the US will seek to blacklist. The White House hopes at least its allies in the Group of 7 will agree to sanction Beijing.

Bakhmut widening cauldron, Kupyansk offensive. Scholz visits Biden

Ukraine official: Forces may pull out of key city of Bakhmut

The Ukrainian military might pull troops back from the key stronghold of Bakhmut, an adviser to Ukraine's president said Wednesday in remarks that suggested Russia could capture the city that has become a symbol of Ukrainian resistance. ...

“Our military is obviously going to weigh all of the options. So far, they’ve held the city, but if need be, they will strategically pull back," Alexander Rodnyansky, an economic adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, told CNN. “We’re not going to sacrifice all of our people just for nothing.” ...

Analysts say the fall of Bakhmut would be a blow for Ukraine and offer tactical advantages to Russia, but would not prove decisive to the war's outcome.

Blinken Briefly Meets With Lavrov on Sidelines of G-20 Summit in India

Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Thursday briefly talked with his Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov, in New Delhi on the sidelines of a G20 meeting, marking the first in-person meeting between the two diplomats since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The two diplomats only spoke for less than 10 minutes, and there was no sign any breakthrough was made. According to Blinken’s account, he told Lavrov Russia should stop fighting in Ukraine and resume participation in New START, the last remaining arms control treaty between the two powers.

Blinken also said he discussed Paul Whelan, a former US Marine who was arrested on spying charges in Moscow in 2018 with a USB that contained classified information and was handed a 16-year sentence in 2020. He said the US has put forward a proposal to exchange Whelan and that Moscow should accept it.

'Huwwara should be wiped out', says Israeli minister

Israeli far-right finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich, said on Wednesday that the state of Israel should "wipe out" the Palestinian village of Huwwara in the wake of a violent rampage through it by settlers on Sunday.

Speaking at a forum hosted by the Marker business newspaper, Smotrich - who is responsible for Israel's civil administration in the occupied West Bank - said: "The Palestinian village of Huwwara should be wiped out. The state needs to do it and not private citizens."

At least one Palestinian was killed and nearly 400 were wounded in settler attacks on Huwwara town and other West Bank towns and villages in the Nablus area on Sunday.

Hundreds of Israeli settlers, flanked by soldiers, attacked Palestinian towns and villages near Nablus following a shooting that killed two Israelis in Huwwara town earlier in the day.

Before and after the mob violence took place, several Israeli politicians - including Smotrich - seemed to encourage or support the settlers' actions.

US teachers grapple with a growing housing crisis: ‘We can’t afford rent’ | California | The Guardian

In her first year as a student teacher, Gina Gray also delivered groceries for Instacart. She was driven to give back to the city that raised her, but also needed help with the bills and rent.

Now Gray, a Black English teacher at Middle College high school in Los Angeles, takes on additional work in the district such as teaching summer and Saturday schooling and commutes one hour each day from her rental in Norwalk-La Mirada, a district near Los Angeles.

“A new teacher with a starting salary in [Los Angeles unified school district] can’t afford rent,” Gray says. “That’s just the facts of it. When you come in, to know that you can’t afford to live on your own, that’s a huge reason why you would choose another career. We’re not even talking about home ownership. We’re just talking about comfortable rental accommodation.”

In California and across the country, teachers are navigating a difficult terrain: making enough money to afford living in the districts where they serve. Research by the Economic Policy Institute’s Sylvia Allegretto found that public school teachers nationally make nearly 24% less in weekly earnings than similarly credentialed college graduates in other fields. When benefits such as healthcare were taken into account, the total compensation penalty was 14%, the widest gap since 1979.

Ohio takes crucial step towards public vote that could secure right to abortion

Reproductive rights groups in Ohio cleared a significant hurdle on Thursday in their effort to bring a ballot initiative before voters that would secure a constitutional right to abortion.

The Ohio attorney general, Dave Yost, approved a petition brought by campaigners looking to bring the ballot initiative to voters in November 2023. The petition will now go to the Ohio ballot board for approval, which has 10 days to approve or reject it.

The two groups submitting the petition – Ohioans for Reproductive Freedom and Ohio Physicians for Reproductive Rights – gathered thousands of signatures from voters in the state to get the petition process started. The groups believe voters want the chance to vote directly on whether abortion rights should be protected in the state’s constitution.

Meet the Bronx Activists Who Won a Historic Settlement for NYPD's Violent Attack at 2020 BLM Protest

New York to pay millions to protesters mistreated in 2020 George Floyd protest

New York City has agreed to pay millions of dollars to hundreds of protesters who were arrested, detained and subjected to excessive force during a protest over the murder of George Floyd in 2020.

According to the lawsuit against the New York police department, the city and several high-ranking officials, an estimated 320 protesters were subjected to “kettling”, a controversial police tactic in which officers encircle protesters. Once the protesters were “kettled”, the lawsuits states, police zip-tied them, hit several with batons and used pepper spray, ABC News reported.

“The NYPD in an operation planned by the highest levels of police officials, kettled protesters on East 136th Street between Brook Avenue and Brown Place and unleashed a brutal assault on more than 300 people, who were injured, arrested, and detained for hours,” attorneys for protesters said. ...

The settlement to the protesters’ suit will see the city pay more than $6m to 320 people, each individual receiving $21,000. An additional $2,500 will be paid to protesters who were served a desk appearance ticket, NBC reported.

the horse race

How Obama – Not Russia Or Racism – Gave Us Trump!

the evening greens

CO2 emissions may be starting to plateau, says global energy watchdog

Global carbon dioxide emissions are still rising but may at least be reaching a plateau, research from the International Energy Agency has shown.

CO2 from energy – by far the biggest source of emissions – increased by less than 1% in 2022. This was despite the turmoil in energy the markets caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The rise is smaller than the 6% increase in emissions from energy recorded by the IEA in 2021, a leap that came on the back of the rebound from the Covid-19 pandemic. However, a 7% reduction is needed every year to meet the goal of halving emissions this decade.

Many experts had feared the soaring price of gas could push countries back towards using coal, which has much higher carbon emissions. But renewable energy seems to have been a big beneficiary, as countries opted for solar and wind power, and encouraged the take-up of heat pumps and electric vehicles (EVs). A mild start to Europe’s winter also helped to save energy across the EU.

Costa Rica, a renewable energy paradise

Not a breath of fresh air: study finds sewage bacteria in ocean spray

After a rainstorm passes, the air coming off the ocean just feels different – cleaner and fresher. But a first of its kind study shows how bacteria from sewage in the ocean can get whipped up in salt spray and blow into coastal communities miles away, a phenomenon exacerbated by storm runoff.

The study, released on Thursday by researchers at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, looked at an area south of San Diego near the US-Mexico border, where a Mexican wastewater treatment plant often becomes overwhelmed and spews sewage into the Tijuana River. That river then flows north into Imperial Beach on the northern side of the border. The beach there was closed 249 days last year due to high levels of pathogens like E coli, norovirus and salmonella – but until now, little was known about what happened when crashing waves sent salt spray into the air.

A team of researchers sampled coastal aerosols at Imperial Beach and water from the Tijuana River for 26 days between January and May 2019, focusing on times after storms. They used DNA sequencing to match bacteria and chemical compounds in coastal aerosols back to the sewage-polluted Tijuana River flowing into the ocean.

They found that three-quarters of the bacteria in the air came directly from the sewage in the surf zone. It’s not yet clear whether these bacteria can make people sick, and experts are exploring the possible harms. “Are they potentially infectious? Some are pathogens and some are not. That’s something we’re working on now,” says Kim Prather, an atmospheric chemist at Scripps who led the work, which was published today in the journal Environmental Science and Technology.

While the degree of risks remain unknown, the study is significant because it is the first time scientists have linked such pollution to coastal sea spray. It’s also the first time scientists have been able to quantify how much of the microbes in the air are traceable back to microbes in the sewage contaminated water, says Rob Knight, a researcher at San Diego School of Medicine and Jacobs School of Engineering, who worked on the study. “Now we know this is a real phenomenon, we need to figure out the impacts for human health,” he says.

Also of Interest

Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.

Ukraine, Russia, China, and Dealing With Crazy People

Sanctions On Russia Come Back To Bite Their Issuers

Patrick Lawrence: The Return of Non-Alignment

US Official Falsely Claims Iran Is 12 Days From Nuke Material Production

As six Jewish settlers are arrested for Hawara 'pogrom', critics doubt serious accountability by Israel

SCROTUS Declines Arkansas Case on Boycotting Israel

Wayne Shorter, icon of jazz saxophone, dies aged 89

Human augmentation with robotic body parts is at hand, say scientists

National Geographic Traveller Photography Awards 2023 – the winners

Scientists discover hidden corridor inside Egypt's Great Pyramid

Meet Thelma Cabrera, the Indigenous Leader Barred from Running in Guatemala's Presidential Election

How the US missed a chance to improve Soviet ties after death of Stalin

A Little Night Music

Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio - Fried Soul

Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio - Fo Sho

Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio - Memphis

Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio - Jimmy's Groove

Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio - Between the Mayo and the Mustard

Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio - Ain't It Funky

Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio - Blues Alive 2022

Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio - Inner City Blues

Amazing Guitar Solo ala Hendrix with Seattle's Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio

NVCS Presents DLO3

15 users have voted.


ggersh's picture

“From my perspective sitting here in China looking out at the Indo-Pacific, our American position is stronger than it was five or ten years ago,” Burns said, citing the strength of US alliances, its private sector and its research institutions and big tech companies.

“And I do think that the Chinese now understand that the United States is staying in this region — we’re the leader in this region in many ways,” Burns added emphatically.

But now let's change the programming back to Russia. Are our leaders, both civilian
and those in the military this ignorant, arrogant, psychopathic, all three+++?

10 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

snoopydawg's picture


that the Minsk agreement would actually stop the slaughter in the Donbas so that it could create the biggest army on Russia’s border and during that time keep slaughtering the people there right, John? Just like America is lying to China about upholding the one China policy towards Taiwan whilst arming and training its military to fight China and its antagonizing China by sending ships and planes through the Taiwan strait and building up military bases that surrounds China just in case it tries to uphold the policy. And now trying to blame China for the Wuhan lab leak.

Speaking of that let’s not forget how Peter Daszak asked DAARPA for permission to reverse engineered into a live attenuated SARr-Cov bat vaccine.

DARPA rejected the proposal because the work was too close to violating the gain-of-function (GOF) moratorium, despite what Peter Daszak says in the proposal (that the work would not). As is known, Dr. Fauci with NIAID did not reject the proposal.

Little help interpreting this article, but I remember reading about this last year or so how DAARPA thought it was too dangerous for Peter to mess around with the virus, but he and Fauci did it anyway. But sure let’s blame China for what America did and see how many people fall for it. If republicans don’t touch this aspect of what they are grilling Fauci about then they are just doing a limited hangout and they will cover up the most important information.

9 users have voted.

Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

Voting is like driving with a toy steering wheel.

joe shikspack's picture


god i love watching matt lee tear into one of the elite moron spokesdroids in washington. it doesn't do much good, kind of like trying to teach a pig to sing, but it is pretty amusing sometimes.

have a great weekend!

9 users have voted.
soryang's picture

Ukraine’s Call for Weapons Remains Tough Sell in South Korea
VOA March 1, William Gallo

South Korea is among the world’s largest weapons exporters and has recently aligned itself closer with the West. But Seoul has not approved the sale or donation of weapons to Ukraine, citing domestic laws that strictly regulate sending arms to war zones.

Instead, South Korea has sent Ukraine several batches of non-lethal military aid, such as bulletproof vests, helmets and medical supplies. It recently announced plans to send Ukraine $130 million in humanitarian assistance on top of the $100 million it sent last year.

Ponomarenko urged South Korea to go much further, saying the provision of weapons would be consistent with South Korea’s democratic ideals and status as a “global pivotal state.”

“Sitting on the fence and pretending to be neutral does not help either the one who chooses such a ‘path’ or the cause of peace as a whole,” Ponomarenko said.

It may seem strange to quote a VOA article, but William Gallo is probably the best journalist/editor they have on Korea. I never saw him on VOA Korea broadcasts, because I think he's a little too broadminded for their purposes. People might get the wrong idea. The article is pretty straight forward but Gallo didn't disappoint by putting a few interesting tidbits near the end, among them this:

When Zelenskyy last April delivered a virtual speech to the National Assembly to ask for more South Korean help, only around 60 out of 300 lawmakers attended, with some leaving the room during the event.

Gallo also suggested a large arms deal with Poland, may be an end around the legal restrictions on arms exports to a party engaged in a war.

He touched on Yoon's trilateralism which was blatantly displayed in his March 1 speech ostensibly to commemorate the Korean independence movement which resisted Japanese colonial domination. There was a pretty good discussion of this in Hankyoreh, March 2:

Yoon delivered the message at a ceremony honoring the March 1 Independence Movement at Yu Gwan-sun Memorial Hall in downtown Seoul on Wednesday.

“Today, 104 years later, we must look back to that time when we lost our national sovereignty; the time when our people suffered because we failed to properly prepare for a changing world,” the president said. “If we fail to read the changing trends of world history and do not properly prepare for the future, it is evident that the misfortunes of the past will be repeated.”

After characterizing Japan as a cooperative partner, Yoon said, “In particular, trilateral cooperation among the Republic of Korea, the United States and Japan has become more important than ever to overcome the security crises including North Korea’s growing nuclear threats and the global polycrisis.”

Yoon emphasized strengthening a future-oriented relationship with Japan and trilateral cooperation with Japan and the US, as he has often done since his inauguration in May 2022.

Yoon is down with the "polycrisis" and "shared values" bs. His speech only 5 minutes long, was unprecedented in its focus on Japan, and basically blaming Koreans for Japanese aggression. Yoon is being compared critically to infamous collaborators during the Japanese overlordship of the peninsula, and the traitors of Eulsa, and other agreements whereby Korean collaborators surrendered Korean sovereignty.

The president's views aimed at placating Washington and Tokyo while simply giving up on South Korean negotiating positions with respect to Japan, were widely regarded as inappropriate to the venue and occasion, ahistorical, and unnecessarily partisan and provocative.

Here's another aspect of the relationship with the US that is not in South Korea or Taiwan's best interest:

US’ new subsidy rules for chipmakers put de facto ban on doing business with China
Hankyoreh Mar.2,2023

New application guidelines for semiconductor manufacturing subsidies released by the US Department of Commerce emphasize prioritizing shipments to the military and security sectors and banning new investments in China as a condition for receiving US government funding. That creates a dilemma for Samsung Electronics and other Korean chipmakers that would like to apply for subsidies, since they would basically have to forfeit business opportunities in China in order to meet the strict funding requirements.

The Commerce Department has also set strict “guardrails” on investment that could have a major impact on South Korean companies like Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix that do business in China. Subsidy recipients that are knowingly involved in joint research or technology licensing with countries presenting a national security concern would have to pay back all of the subsidies received.

Applicants must also agree not to expand their chipmaking capabilities in countries of concern for 10 years after winning subsidies. When used by the US, “countries of concern” is a reference to China.

Samsung and SK are investing tens of billions in US high tech manufacturing facilities. So is TSMC. The price for that is damaging their markets in China. Initially, the US provided a one year waiver on the semiconductor technology restrictions to South Korea and Taiwan. I think that was last October. I had thought it might be extended at least through the South Korean general election next spring. Maybe, not. Here is the interesting point made in particular about Taiwan:

It’s no secret that we are in a [. . .] very heated global competition with China,” Raimondo said in an interview with CNN, arguing that it was inappropriate for cutting-edge semiconductor plants to be clustered in Taiwan, which is under threat from China.

So Taiwan is going to give up high tech commerce with China, and then at the same time make it less risky to the US supply chain if they start a war with China. In effect, placing Taiwan in the position of being "Ukrained."

There is virtually no break in the military activity in and around the Korean peninsula, as Yoon and the US continue their hawkish approach to North Korea.

S Korea, US to hold joint military drills despite N Korea warning
Aljazeera March 3

The South Korean and US militaries will conduct military exercises from March 13 to 23 to strengthen their combined defensive capabilities, the two militaries said in a statement on Friday...

...On Friday, the two militaries also conducted a combined air drill with at least one American B-1B long-range bomber and South Korean F-15K and KF-16 fighter aircraft, South Korea’s ministry of defence said in a statement. The aim of the drill was to practice coordination as well as demonstrate Washington’s “extended deterrence” against North Korean threats, the ministry said.

S. Korea discloses special forces drills with US in warning to N.Korea
By Ji Da-gyum March 2 Korea Herald

The South Korean military on Thursday disclosed that South Korean and US special operations forces have staged monthlong “Teak Knife” military exercises since early February, practicing infiltration and precision strikes on key targets in North Korea, in an apparent warning message to North Korea.

South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff also belatedly revealed that JCS Chairman Gen. Kim Seung-kyum on Monday made rare and clandestine visits to places, including Camp Humphreys and Osan Air Base in the city of Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi Province, where the Teak Knife military exercises have been staged....

But the SOCKOR underscored that the key priority of Teak Knife is to bring opportunities for the US and South Korean special operations forces to jointly stage “challenging, realistic, multidomain training,” dismissing local media reports that described Teak Knife as a decapitation exercise.

During his on-site visits, Gen. Kim called for South Korean and US special forces to “develop the capability to strike enemy core facilities with pinpoint accuracy and to improve interoperability between the forces to perfect wartime combined operation posture by staging realistic special operations exercises,” the JCS said.

There is a lot of information in this article about SOCKOR, US Special Operations Forces Korea. The last two paragraphs I cited are significant, because they dismiss local media descriptions that portray what they are doing as decapitation missions, which is exactly what they are, developing the capability to strike enemy core facilities with pinpoint accuracy. This is relevant because North Korea has recently warned that any such attack aimed at its command leadership will result in a nuclear response. The notion that a special forces team joint, or otherwise, is a solution to what is at its root a strategic problem is just fundamentally flawed.

I had basically written this post yesterday, I lost it when I tried to add a video. I'll copy this first, and then try to post the OST trailer from Pachinko.

Thanks for the news and blues Joe. Was looking forward to it all day.

9 users have voted.

語必忠信 行必正直


The long tentacles of the MIC are everywhere it seems.
Once had a teak knife - letter opener.
Wonder whatever happened to that ..

thanks soryang
Let's live for today!

6 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


wow, it's interesting that sk's leader wants to cozy up to their historical antagonist and doer of evil deeds for whatever imagined gain. i would think that would be the quickest way to get run out of office on a rail. perhaps not.

thanks for the updates, have a great weekend!

6 users have voted.
shaharazade's picture

yeah its horrifying everywhere. Guess I do not give a shit about what the world is doing. Its messed up beyond belief. Just live the best you can and leave it behind. Its only castle's burning.

5 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


good to see you, hope everything is going well in your neck of the woods. have a great weekend!

5 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

But others have serious concerns about letting Norfolk Southern, the company responsible for the environmental disaster, lead the search for dioxins — especially after Ohio officials relied on a railroad contractor’s flawed water sampling to initially declare the village’s municipal water safe to drink, as HuffPost first reported.

Even if Trump hadn’t relaxed the regulations the train wouldn’t have qualified for them anyway because the owners got the rules changed requiring toxic trains to have them and it’s only required on trains that have a certain amount of cars carrying them. So they can load up any train with toxic crap that can cause harm and death, but…..

I thought the cutoff was 20 cars and they qualified?

Of the 50 train cars that either derailed or were damaged in the resulting fire, 20 contained hazardous material.

As for Burns saying that America is building up its country let’s compare our train system with China’s shall we? There’s can go hundreds of miles per minute whilst ours have to slow down to a crawl on crooked tracks so they don’t derail. Yay! Go America!

Also to…groan.

In Kyiv, Drag Queens Perform to Forget The War — And to Defy Putin

Do what you Want, but to stick it to Putin? SMDH

10 users have voted.

Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

Voting is like driving with a toy steering wheel.


the EPA is actually going to do their job?
thought they were drowned in the bathtub
with the rest of the people protection agencies
or is it corporation protection agencies now?

7 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


hmmm. i thought that the epa had staff that could do things like water and soil tests. has it been so destroyed by neoliberal presidents for so many years that all of it competence has been outsourced to corporate polluters? sheesh.

it's probably time for the people of east palestine to crowdfund their own testing.

9 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture

phrases like

Washington’s “extended deterrence” against North Korean threats, the ministry said.

laughable, since, as often as not, it is the US "extended deterrence" posture and posturing that creates threats.

be well and have a good one

5 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

joe shikspack's picture

@enhydra lutris

it's just the mic keeping itself in business.

3 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture

@joe shikspack

nice trio. Sounds like it's from an earlier era, but maybe that's the effect that the B-3 has on one.

be well and have a good one.
Have a fantastic weekend while you're at it

5 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

joe shikspack's picture

@enhydra lutris

i think that they are a currently active band, but you're right, their sound is certainly reminiscent of earlier groups.

have a great weekend!

4 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

Biden sent a few more millions in weapons to Ukraine and out of 50 comments only 3 people opposed it. Most were the 'got to stop Putin because he won’t stop with Ukraine' variety, but this takes the cake.

Too bad the democrats didn't support Ukraine back in 2014 when Russia invaded and annexed Crimea, maybe this current war could have been avoided if they did..….

6 users have voted.

Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

Voting is like driving with a toy steering wheel.

joe shikspack's picture


my favorites are the ones that are some flavor of "the shortest way to peace is more weapons."

makes me feel like reviving that 60's line about virginity. Smile

6 users have voted.
The Liberal Moonbat's picture

...and they (or at least the one speaker in this clip) are aiming for the jugular.

5 users have voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

mimi's picture

asshole. Not my day today. So, what is better, to be wise or to be clever?

I would say to be stoopid is the best.

1 user has voted.