Incrementalism and Disabilities IV: How Infrastructure is Destroyed Aside: Certification for Employment

I used to write stuff like this at the Dreaded Orange Shitcan..well, I'll be writing them here instead. My only regret is that my followers over there won't know about it. And I'm still on 30 day suspension there so I can't let them know. In any case, shall we begin?

When I refer to infrastructure, I'm not just talking about roads, bridges and buildings. Services are also a vital part of public infrastructure. And over the past few decades, we have seen Republicans and Democrats privatize or outright destroy services that we all rely upon. Disability services are no exception to this. In fact, they are often the first on the chopping block, along with education and transportation.

Florida is the best example of this I can possibly find, as in recent years, those services have faced cuts every single year that Rick Scott has been in office. Because of this, Voc Rehab is having a hell of a time rendering services to those who need them the most. And when we do receive services we need, it can take weeks, or sometimes months, to even get what we do need because they are underfunded and understaffed.

To make things even worse, many of us are forced to rely on services such as Employ Florida as well due to recently enacted SNAP requirements. I've written about this before, but to make a long story short, if you fail to meet the so-called monthly work participation requirements, your SNAP benefits are sanctioned for the next month. Sadly, there's nothing that can be done to go around it since this is actually FEDERAL law (Thanks, Slick Willy.), even organizations such as Voc Rehab cannot intervene, despite the fact that many of their services do involve searching for employment and education.

This sort of thing does not happen overnight. It. Took. Decades. This all began with Ronnie's Welfare Queen rants and kept going with cuts here and there until finally we got so-called Welfare Reform. We're seeing this kind of crap in every area of society and nothing less than bold plans will put a stop to it.

Certification and Other Stuff

In the hopes that some day I won't have to do this shit anymore, I'm looking to get certified in a few things I'm trained to use. Oracle's Database Developer Suite, Linux Administration and so on. I'm looking into resources to help me out and have been for the last couple of weeks. I even managed to get my Voc Rehab counselor behind me on this one because more opportunities might open up if I happen to be certified in a few things. I still have the driver's license issue to deal with though since I can't handle a full size vehicle. I still drive a golf cart around the neighborhood though.

Hey, at least I'm still doing something.

See you around,


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tapu dali's picture

There are various levels of course of disability.

I have moderate diabetic-related peripheral neuropathy which requires me to use a cane much of the time for balance since my feet "feel funny and unstable". I can still walk for moderate distances (a few city blocks) but we've been issued with a automobile sticker that allows us (I don't drive, E does) to park at designated municipal spots for free.

I'm now retired from a rather good government job, [sort of deputy assistant state secretary in your system] with a decent pension, and all health benefits paid 85%. I'm going to spend my time writing (I've a book or two in mind) so I'm certainly not going to let my "disability" affect me.

I wish you all the best!

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There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.

Granma's picture

This is a calm, friendly place.
And I wish you luck getting those certifications.

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I live in Florida and tell you stories for hours as to what I have encountered caring for grand kids with ADHD. I depend on food pantries to help out. I go with the kids other grand mother we are both retired so this helps feed the kids. We did noticed this past week the increase in people that was elderly and disabled because of SNAP cut backs. We could over hear the conversations at the registration desk as we waited. You could see that they were in need. It is upsetting to see how they are marginalized.

I used to read you often over there but left in the beginning of 2015 and only went back to read and comment a few times BNR. I have enough drama in my life and the internet is my quite time. I don't need to be bullied on line. I don't even lurk anymore there. I found your diaries hit home here and would look for you.

I am glad you are here. I think some of your followers will find you.

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snoopydawg's picture

It's absolutely disgusting what our government agencies are doing to the poor and disabled people in the richest fucking country in the world. BS!
And yes thanks to slick Willey, thousands of people were cut off of food stamps because as we have heard m too many poor people are eating steak and lobster.
The amount of money allocated for each person or family per month is less than what our government officials spend each day on the per diems that we pay for.
And there are so many people in this country that complain about their money going towards these people, yet they never say a thing about corporate welfare.
Or the huge tax breaks for the rich.
Each Walmart store costs us over $900 thousand each year because they pay their workers sure low wages. And instead of the government cracking down on this, Walmart gets subsidies and tax breaks.
And these brutal cut to the soccer safety networks are done by so called Christians.
I could go on all night, but I'm speaking to the choir here.
I wish that I believed in hell, because that's where these people belong.

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Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

Voting is like driving with a toy steering wheel.

Damnit Janet's picture

We are gearing up for a fight due to an agency having to drug test our disabled son. He uses medical marijuana tincture - about 20 mgs a day split up 3 to 4 times a day.

This is for an on the job training program. He was their star candidate. Up until we found out that the funding came from an insurance company. A drug test????

So now my son who went from a completely happy hopeful time is now crushed. We were told Friday there'd be a decision, no call. So you can imagine how the weekend went.

We are going to get him covered with an medical marijuana card, haven't before because autism wasn't listed as a qualifier and because to get him a card would have made him not qualify for other services and schools. It is legal here in my state for people to get high and to medicate. I have a card and it's just been safer doing things discreetly.

Anyways good luck and I'm glad you're writing here.

But the laws are against those who are the most frail.

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"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison