Open Sesame 03/05/16

i'm late! i'm late!
for a very important date!

Today and tomorrow, the Democrats, they will be making the president, and in four states: Nebraska, Louisiana, Maine, and Kansas.

The Mad Bomber, she will be the president in Louisiana. Because that is a state on her shameless, shuffling, Black Like Me tour. And also because Democratic officeholders in that state traditionally end their careers in either the jail (Edwin Edwards, Ray Nagin) or the asylum (Earl Long). So it's a natural, for her.

Because the Bomber, she is already batshit insane. As anyone who takes the time, and trouble, to really look into her eyes, can attest.
Unfortunately, whenever an independent medical professional nears the Bomber, her husband, The Clenis, he dispatches his minions, and they drag that medico off, and feed him (or her) into the woodchipper. And so not enough of the people, do they really Know.

As for the jail, there are several that would accommodate her. But it is doubtful that she will go there. For many reasons. One such was this week expressed thusly:

Current and former officials said the conviction of retired four-star general and CIA director David H. Petraeus for mishandling classified information is casting a shadow over the email investigation.

The officials said they think that Petraeus's actions were more egregious than those of Clinton and her aides because he lied to the FBI, and classified information he shared with his biographer contained top secret code words, identities of covert officers, war strategy and intelligence capabilities. Prosecutors initially threatened to charge him with three felonies, including conspiracy, violating the Espionage Act and lying to the FBI. But after negotiations, Petraeus pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of mishandling classified information.

He was fined $100,000 and sentenced to two years of probation. FBI officials were angered by the deal and predicted it would affect the outcome of other cases involving classified information.

Petraeus "was handled so lightly for his offense there isn't a whole lot you can do," said a former U.S. law enforcement official who oversaw counterintelligence investigations and described the email controversy as "a lesser set of circumstances."

Petraeus is a serial killer whose penis compelled his hands to shovel secrets to a woman whom the penis wished to enter. He was a dickhead, who behaved like a boob, so a woman would receive his reproductive organ. And now children laugh at him, when he walks down the street.

But not The Mad Bomber. She is grateful to the Petraeus peter. Because the light slap it received, that may help keep her own posterior, out of the pokey.

Unless Brian Pagliano, the server boy who has received immunity from the Justice Department to talk about the emails, happens to also mention the babies. The dead ones, drained of blood, that were stashed in the closet, next to the server, after their precious bodily fluids had been extracted, for The Mad Bomber's rejuvenating evening cocktail.

You never know. He might. Mention them.

The Cranky Brooklyn Deli Man, he will meanwhile today and tomorrow be the president in Maine, Kansas, and Nebraska. This means that, over the next two days, the Deli Man may very well receive more delegates than shall the Bomber.

Notwithstanding this fact, "Little Markos" (to borrow a Hairballism), the proprietor of the hive-tube Daily Kos, yesterday announced that if by March 15, the Deli Man, he has not gathered to his bosom almost all of the delegates, then he, Li'l Markos, will declare the Democratic presidenting Over, with The Mad Bomber deemed the Winner. Everyone in his hive-tube, they will then be required to board The Mad Bomber's crazy train, or else go to the boneyard.
Li'l Markos, he has long wanted the Democratic presidenting to be over. He has always regarded the Deli Man as an irritant, like something you can't get out of your eye. On March 15, Li'l Markos is going to take a firehose, and blast it at the offending orb, and even if this blows the eyeball right out of his head, he will at last be rid of The Cranky Brooklyn Deli Man. And, after, he can always wear a patch. Like Meteor Blades.

After March 15, in Li'l Markos' tube, you will not be able to refer to the crazy woman by her true name: The Mad Bomber. You will not be able to talk about The Clenis, and how he puts doctors in the woodchipper. You will not be able to observe that the Bomber belongs in an asylum, or a jail. You will not be able to mention the babies in the closet. But so what? You cannot say those things there now.

It is perhaps well to remember that it has been Proved, many times, and in many Studies, conducted by many esteemed Science Men, that in many, if not most, universes, there does not even exist a Daily Kos. And it might be useful—even wise—to behave as if this is one such universe. After all, let's face it, the place, it is pretty Dumb. This is too often Disguised by the fact that it is also Busy: all day, and all of the night, there are people there one may agree with, because they confirm a bias, or disagree with, because they deconfirm a bias. But that, you know, that's about it.

And it may not be there, the Li'l Markos tube, for long. Even in this universe. Because, say, some Bad person, they could get in an airplane, and fly it over Li'l Markos' buildings, with a big magnet, and erase all his tubes.

I would do that, but I do not have a big enough magnet. Also, I don't really want to be in an airplane. But that doesn't mean some braver wo/man than I, Gunga Din, might not do it.

I must apologize for posting this piece Late. It is supposed to appear by 6 a.m. EST, but that did not happen. This was because of the Crashing. Into the wee hours, out here on the El Nino coast, the requisite site rabbit holes, they were not open to me. So I went to the sleep. Then, while I was there, the holes opened. Now I am frantically trying to dive down them. The, now open, Holes. But I am Late.


If you are a person who believes that humans are basically Bad, every day there will come a tube, where you can go, to confirm that bias. Like this one. There, a seven-year-old boy, on a "bucket list" trip with his father, said father dying of stage-four throat cancer, was heaved off an airplane, when he suffered an allergic reaction to a dog on board, his fellow passengers clapping and cheering, as the tot was booted off onto the tarmac.

"I am sad that this had to be a memory with my dad," [the boy] told the news station. "People who don't have sadness, they don't understand."

In a Facebook post, [his mother] branded the behavior of the passengers "disgusting."

She said: "We are not angry that we were deplaned. In fact, my husband and I appreciate that our son is safe."

She added: "What crushed us was that our seven-year-old boy looked at us with tear-filled eyes and said, 'I'm sorry that I put you through this. This is all my fault.'

"Then he proceeded to say 'I can't believe people clapped. They shouldn't do that because they never know who already has sadness in their hearts.'"

All this was bad enough. But then I was stricken, with pure horror, when I read:

Giovanni's mother also blasted a flight attendant who "hastily smirked" and informed her that there are dogs on every flight.

Now wait just a dern minute. What does she mean: "there are dogs on every flight"? When did this happen? I always thought there was some special hold, away from the people, where are put the dogs. Does this mean that on every flight in the airplane there are now dogs roaming around with the passengers? Who allows this? And why?

I mean, I am ready to accept that, on the airplanes, sometimes there are passengers who need to get up and wildly spray urine on people, or shout loudly and then proceed to masturbate. That others will smear fecal matter on the food trays, while a flight attendant skulks into the lavatory and there sets it on fire. I realize that, sometimes, the person next to you, he may set off a bomb, and blow himself out the side of the plane. I get it: these things happen. On the airplanes.

But I draw the line at dogs. I cannot have any dogs, on the airplanes. This is because I am a cat, and the dogs know this. And so, on my body, there are many Wounds, from when the dogs perceived my catness, and thus Attacked, and started the Biting.

If you are on the ground, you can try to run away from the dogs. But in the airplanes, there is no running away. There is nowhere to go. If the dogs, they start the Biting, there is no escape. Unless you open the door, and step out onto the clouds. But I do not want to step out onto any clouds.

What kind of country has this become? Where you cannot smoke on the airplanes, but dogs can roam the aisles, pausing every now and then to bite big holes in people's bodies?

Resolved: I am not going: on any airplanes.


Actually it is not really safe, for anyone to be on the airplanes. Not any more. Now that it has been established that we have entered Fringe Reality. Because Fringe events, they quite commonly manifest, on the airplanes. Take this "mystery illness," of unknown origin, that ODed a bunch of people over Iceland. That was quite clearly a Fringe event. In Fringe Reality, people are constantly coming down with dread diseases, on the airplanes. That Malaysian plane, the one that completely disappeared, MH370, it went astray because everyone aboard was suddenly afflicted with a Fringe malady that quickly killed them all. And the plane alone, flew stolidly on.

If you are on an airplane, and you overhear a sweaty, nervous man, with the beginning of a nosebleed, say to a flight attendant: "I'm in trouble. There's something happening to me that I don't have the time or the permission to explain to you. You need to listen to me, very carefully. I need you to go to the passengers, I need you to collect as many sedatives or tranquilizers as you can. I need you to get those drugs for me." You will know you are in real Danger. Because that is a Fringe person. And unless he receives the requisite drugs, post-haste, and in mass quantities, he will go into the lavatory, and there transform into a huge spiny minotaur, and then he will crash the plane.

This is what happened to MH17, the plane that went down over Ukraine. Everybody initially blamed everybody else for shooting it down . . . but now, you'll notice, everybody has pretty much gone silent. This is because all Investigations have Determined that the plane was crashed by a Fringe person who onboard transformed into a huge spiny minotaur. And they don't really know how to tell the people that.

The Republicans, they are also having the presidenting today, in Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, and Puerto Rico. I am not even going to venture a guess as to what will happen there. Not when those people are now actually whipping out and measuring their penises on the debate stage. They are no longer a life-form I in any way can comprehend.

In an essay titled "Wells, Hitler and the World State," George Orwell wrote of H.G. Wells:

But because he belonged to the nineteenth century and to a non-military nation and class, he could not grasp the tremendous strength of the old world which was symbolised in his mind by fox-hunting Tories. He was, and still is, quite incapable of understanding that nationalism, religious bigotry and feudal loyalty are far more powerful forces than what he himself would describe as sanity. Creatures out of the Dark Ages have come marching into the present, and if they are ghosts they are at any rate ghosts which need a strong magic to lay them. Wells is too sane to understand the modern world.

Wells, he did not like this essay. He wrote a letter to Orwell, which began with the salutation: "You Shit." There was then something of a violent row in the halls of the BBC. It is said the two eventually grudgingly reconciled, but Thursday I thought I would attempt to effect a further reconciliation, by inviting both men over here to experience the Republican debate, featuring the four surviving 2016 presidential GOoPer stooges: The Hairball, Zed Crud, Mondo Boobio, and Death Of A Salesman.

Things, at first, went well, I thought. But later I realized this was because Wells would not stop talking, and so was not really taking in what was coming from the stooges. For when he did—pay attention—things went very badly indeed. Wells' face, it began cycling through all the hues on the color wheel; until, about 10 minutes in, at that point when The Hairball loudly assured everyone that he has a huge, truly Hagrid-size penis, Wells suffered a humungous brain aneurysm. Orwell and I tried desperately to bring him back, but it was no good. The man was gone.

Rattled, and with the stooges still yammering on, The Hairball commencing his St. Vitus dance about executing Edward Snowden, Orwell determined that, to continue, he required an ale IV. I rigged that up for him, but then found my own self in need of great aid—scrabbling through all the drawers and cabinets, in search of every conceivable Medicine—when Death Of A Salesman, who is supposed to be the "adult," "sane," "reasonable" stooge, blithely announced that, when he is the president, he will dispatch hundreds of thousands of American troops to Iraq, and Syria, and Libya.

The fact of the matter is, we absolutely have to be—and not just with special forces. I mean, that's not going to work. Come on. You've got to go back to the invasion when we pushed Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait. We have to be there on the ground in significant numbers. We do have to include our Muslim Arab friends to work with us on that. And we have to be in the air.

And we—it should be a broad coalition, made up of the kinds of people that were involved when we defeated Saddam. Now, you've got to be on the ground and in the air both in Syria and Iraq. And at some point, we will have to deal with Libya. The fact is cool, calm, deliberate, effective, take care of the job, and then come home. That's what we need to do with our military foreign policy.

Lost in my own, wilderness of pain, I failed to notice, until after the debate had concluded, that, despite the ale IV, Orwell had become insensate. I assumed he had put himself into a medical coma, in order to protect his brain. I wrestled him over to the couch, and laid him out, assuming he'd be fine in the morning. But then, Friday a.m., when I checked, he was immobile; and, with a light shined in his eyes, the pupils showed no response. A mirror placed beneath his mouth and nostrils, detected no fogging of breath.

I'm not really sure, what I should do, with these fellows. I guess maybe I should rent a backhoe.


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detroitmechworks's picture

I'm reminded how much I can't stand the media's anointed candidates.

Been feeling that way for a long time. At a certain point the fear of the other one loses all its power, and you're left with despair at a political field where the only good choices are subject to long knives.

Deli Man Or the Green Woman for me.


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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

hecate's picture

g has a point. The media give the people, what they want. : /

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detroitmechworks's picture


But Carlin was much more cynical than I am. I believe most people are inherently decent, but have been FED bullshit for so long they have come to think of it as normal.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Shahryar's picture

so I guess I'll have to start ignoring the political scene. We do have a primary here in May. I better hurry and switch my registration so I can vote for Debs.

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hecate's picture

fixing a hole where the rain comes in. Debs, I think, would go for that.


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shaharazade's picture

And it really is a strange and wonderful morning. Thanks hecate that was a good one, you outdid yourself. . Thanks JtC your a miracle worker. Welcome to all the new caucus people. I'm so happy I do not have to go over to that nasty place to interact and chat with the far lefty purists and hear nothing but RWNJ talking points from fucking morons who want to actually have a democratic election.

This turn of events will certainly cut down on the pointless struggle and strife...

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hecate's picture

and thank you.

It really does not contribute to good mental—or physical, for that matter—hygiene, that place. That will soon have all its tubes sucked dry. By the big Magnet.

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That was quite the crash. Nice to have so many new friends here. I had to chuckle at the Black Like Me tour. It goes with her southern drawl.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

hecate's picture

black, she is off the melanin scale. Not even a black hole, is blacker than she. And, like a black hole, into her is sucked all and every, and none of it can get out. ; 0

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Shahryar's picture

and yes, she'll be someone else in New York and California, as you've said.

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hecate's picture

moves through the Catholic states, she will no longer mention that she bore Martin Luther King's love child (Chelsea, a.k.a. George Washington Carver Clinton), but will instead recall the days she took sniper fire as a nun in El Salvador.

In California, she will sneak off into the alley, with the young ones, to "blow gage," and then move on down the road to the Brown People Area, where she will blushingly recall her torrid years-long affair with Cesar Chavez.

In New York, she will strap a mattress to her back, down on Wall Street, to receive any and all comers, and then she will creak to her feet to shuffle some blocks over, where she will tearfully sell loose cigarettes on the street-corner with the Garner children. That night she will attend Shabbat, where she will confess her secret and essential and unshakable Jewessness.

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Shahryar's picture

I expect ALL of that to happen. some form.

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hecate's picture

the Truth! I have seen it. ; )

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shaharazade's picture

she was a white hillbilly with a twang and a megaphone and got in the back of a pickup and toured the Appalachian states. The people of that region if I remember correctly, found it offensive and did not like it one bit.

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shaharazade's picture

over at dkos when the crash happened. I probably added to the overload. Every reason I had for sticking around and getting abused suddenly made me fearless as kos managed to clear the room of people of good spirit. The exit doors were overflowing. I find it interesting that the Democratic Third Way'ers and the political machine they have built have choosen to get so obviously antidemocratic and arrogant. I mean if they kick the lefty Dem. base to the curb with their transparently rigged election and insult you as they slam the door how is this gonna get their queen crowned? Never mind that it will bust the already dwindling Democratic party membership.

Calling any criticism the corrupt electoral system, and totally broken government RWNJ talking points is not going to get Killary elected it's going to split the party asunder. Kos once said 'issues' are not important winning is everything. There is a major Democratic insurrection in the wind along with a global populist much needed wave occurring. Not a good time to continue the beatings or pump the fear. 'Something something Oligrachy' my ass.

I hope gooderservice moves she is a gooder.

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don mikulecky's picture

they are seen in the context of the system in which they exist. We have been bombarded with issues out of context for too long and it has hurt us deeply.

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An idea is not responsible for who happens to be carrying it at the time. It stands or it falls on its own merits.

shaharazade's picture

often 'issues' that do get addressed are debated and dicussed in double speak. The context gets turned on it's head and the issues are appropriated and used as propaganda by those who are implementing harm and actively working to dismantle the system's ability to function. When the pols of mass deception start talking about Reform as in immigration, SS, education, or any 'issue', I know we're going to lose some more rights human and civil and get screwed again. Issues are not important they are the bait and switch tricks of the political traders. Double think is applied by the true believers so that privatization or odious trade deals become the common good or 'inevitable'.

“ . . . but by the exercise of doublethink he also satisfies himself that reality is not violated . . . To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies – all this is indispensably necessary. Even in using the word doublethink it is necessary to exercise doublethink.

From Golstien's book, The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism

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hecate's picture

they are just another mask. For instance, Turkana Laurence Lewis, he always claims it is "issues," that causes him to want, forever, The Mad Bomber, she to walk, softly, across, massaging, his back.

Him say "issues." She say "personality." Them say "system." They say "context."

Let's, call, the whole thing, off.


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hecate's picture

as to why Li'l Markos decided he had to blow out his eyeball so early.

After all, in 2008, The Mad Bomber hung in there until the very convention, in the hope that, as she explicilty expressed it, someone might blow The Kenyan's brains out.


It is true that the people of The Mad Bomber, many of them flounced out of Li'l Markos' site earlier than that, because they could not take that he & his were rumbling on the front page in favor of The Kenyan. But he did not then decree that anyone not a Kenyan genuflector, had to go to the boneyard.

I just don't get it. Advocating, today, in 2016, for The Mad Bomber, that is basically asserting that an old-and-in-the-way, totally-over, lifeless Frankenstein stitch-job, who is a cross between Andrew Jackson, and Calvin Coolidge, should be the president.

Willingly walking through the world, with The Mad Bomber on your arm, it is like showing up at a party with semen stains on your jeans. People have to turn their heads, and avert their eyes, and pretend you are not even there. Because it is just so Embarrassing.

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Shahryar's picture

He was the original mistake. A good case can be made for Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Adams 2, that they were all good at Presiding but when we got to Jackson....

There's always been this divide. De Toqueville wrote about it in the 1830s. The same people who think the Beatles destroyed rock n roll, who want both smaller government and their social security checks, who think Reagan was aware of his surroundings are the same people who elected Jackson.

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hecate's picture

they did not really have Bombs, when Jackson was a serial killer, and then the president. Because Jackson believed that anyone who got in the way of the manifest destiny of the United States, they should be Killed. In this, The Mad Bomber, she is his heir.

Jackson's "greatest," and for sure bloodiest, military "victory," it occurred after his foe had already surrendered. Which makes him a war criminal.

In 1959, they put this war-crime massacre into a song. And all the Americans, they were, and are, supposed to hear it, and then laugh and cheer and exult and sing.

Here it is, below, on the Ded Sullivan show. Ded Sullivan, today the emcee for The Hairball show. The Hairball, another Jackson heir.


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Unabashed Liberal's picture

i am puzzled as to why Li'l Markos decided he had to blow out his eyeball so early.

I think that they're terrified that FSC will lose, unless they, including foot soldiers like Markos, pull out all the stops--early!

(Polls show a clear enthusiasm gap, and even voting percentages down for Dems versus Repubs. And she is very weak in some demographics.)

I'm convinced that one of the main reasons that the Repub Establishment is standing up to DT--finally--is that they 'fear' that he could do irreparable damage to her, should he win the nomination. (And, they could do worse--she is a loyal neoliberal foot solider.)


Already a few high profile Republican Elites--including former New Jersey Governor, Christie Todd-Whitman--have declared that they will vote for FSC in November if DT wins the nomination.

Remember, Wall Street said months ago that they could "be very happy with" either Jeb or FSC!


(Music City) Mollie

"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare."--Japanese Proverb

"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown

"I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive."
----Gilda Radner, Comedienne

Screenshot Of 'Barabas' -- Dual Photo From WP With Caption.png

Visit Us At Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)

Visit Us At C99Percent!

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

hecate's picture

good sense here.

For the people of The Hairball, they are, without exception, little Mussolinis. Who thrill to stand on the stage next to The Big Man, as he vows to shoot and strafe and stab and slit, all and every being, bearing any trace of melanin. These, the melanin people, the scapegoats, to be sacrificed, to atone for the people of The Hairball, not being as rich, and successful, as The Hairball himself.

These people, the little Mussolinis, they will not listen, to any criticism of The Hairball. Not even to any pure presentation, without editing, of the shit that flows, without surcease, from the septic system, that is The Hairball's mouth.

Because they have chosen, to Believe. Against, even, all sense. Against, all evidence.

& what will be interesting, is if the people of The Cranky Brooklyn Deli Man, when once not only the main rivers of news and opinion, but even the clearly malarial backwaters, like Daily Kos, elect to spray many poisons, to rid all waters of the Deli Man . . . if the Deli Man people, they will then nonetheless persevere. To go on. In Belief. As do the people of The Hairball.

in the country fair
in sweet summertime
on an old
open day


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shaharazade's picture

trigger finger itchy and he jumped the gun. Don't know what set him off but I think the fact that a large percentage of the site was in insurgency mode with both his site and the whole Democratic party apparatchik. Screaming racist wasn't working and neither was insulting and abusing the Bernie supporters who just ran circles around the Killary sheeple. Bad RW words like oligarchy, warmongering, neocon, neoliberal were being hurled about and democratically minded people would not cease and be still. I kind of enjopyed his foaming at the mouth in the last couple of weeks. One paranoid thought that keeps creeping into my mind is that he knows via his partners in political crime and the paymasters that this whole farce of a primary is rigged. Can't have his flock causing a backlash and not going along with show.

mother superior jumped the gun... what happened to all the beatles vids on you tube?

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hecate's picture

the very best Beatles, it is still on the tubes.


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hecate's picture

the very best, of The Rolling Stones.


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mimi's picture

fascinating. I am wondering around like eyes wide open, mouth wide open, ears all standing up, so much to absorb.

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mimi's picture

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Shahryar's picture

but live is good! Doubleplusgood!

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enhydra lutris's picture

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Bisbonian's picture

for a living. I don't mind it, too much. If you can find a big enough magnet, I will do it for you.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

hecate's picture

Now I just have to find a big-magnet store! ; )

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