"This Is the Time to Stand Up" -- Watch This Video

Listen to Waniya Locke on the frontlines at Standing Rock.

She only speaks for 5:35 and is worth your time. Please watch and share.

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Steven D's picture

Numbers are our strength. Silence will only enable our enemies in the oligarchy, both major parties, the "legacy" media (their term instead of the more accurate corporate controlled media), the government agencies and their various affiliates/associates who for their own reasons want to preserve the status quo, etc. to crush our faces into the ground with their bloody boots.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

Amanda Matthews's picture

@Steven D our 'numbers' is that too many on the left have joined up with the Third Way 'New' Democratic opportunists that have taken over the 'Party' today. REAL 'progressives' (getting so sick of that word) are being sandbagged by the them. What was once the only acceptable way to operate and stay respected and relevant in the 'Party' (not lying and backstabbing your constituents, no pay-for-play, etc.) has now become standard operating procedure. They only pretend to work for us and too damn many people buy into that shit. Too many people have thrown ethics and integrity out the window because they either want to support the 'cool candidate' (Clinton, Booker, et al) or they look at it like a popularity contest or a game, not a life and death matter for our country.

I really worry, and I mean REALLY WORRY, about what will become of those poor brave souls in Standing Rock. We need to band together and protect each other because the next four years are going to be something. And the woman in that video is RIGHT. They have 500 years of experience of doing just that and we can learn from the Water Protectors and their movement.

HAVING SAID ALL THAT I will now say that at least we will have a next four years. The Third Way/NATO nuclear confrontation has been taken off the table. And so has the TPP. We knew Trump was/is a horrible person. But we also knew the Clinton Creature was/is even worse. She thought nothing of the lives of innocent human beings if killing them would further her career and burnish her reputation of being a hard ass warrior queen. And she has had no second thoughts on her bloody failures either. I think of 2016 as the Rock/Hard Place Election. Now we have to stand up for what we think is important. What we know is right. The country we want our kids, grandkids, great grandkids to grow up in. But just as important, is we HAVE to teach them to fight back against TPTB.

When I was young I became familiar with two acronyms that PERFECTLY describe the state of our country today. FUBAR and SNAFU. Things have reached a point in America where either one is an acceptable description of the mess we find ourselve in today. The United States of SNAFU kind of rings a bell I think.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

mimi's picture

@Amanda Matthews

I am with her, she is right. With regards to our status of FUBAR and being SNAFU, I like to say that I don't believe that many people OUTSIDE the US are feeling that what you said here:

We knew Trump was/is a horrible person. But we also knew the Clinton Creature was/is even worse. She thought nothing of the lives of innocent human beings if killing them would further her career and burnish her reputation of being a hard ass warrior queen. And she has had no second thoughts on her bloody failures either.

The Clintons and the Obamas were not realized by the avarage Joe in Europe as "even worse persons". But Trump has been viewed as one from the very beginning. You have to admit that Clinton's and Obama's language is a bit more appropriate than Trumps twitter tirades, contradictions and insults. It doesn't mean that their (Clintons, Obama's) speech is more truthful, but at least not in your face bullying and borderline insane.

What I don't understand is why people on C99p have more problems with the Democrats lying than they seem to have with the Republicans or right-wing Libertarians' lies or other 1%-ers celebrities and corporate hacksters lies. It's even not useful anymore to waste thoughts about it. It's over. To find out what to do next it's helpful to leave the "blame search" behind and concentrate on what is next to do.

Just saying.

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Bisbonian's picture

@mimi ...everyone understands that the Republicans lie all the time. What they don't understand is that the Democrats lie all the time; that the Democrats cannot be trusted to "save us" from the evil Republicans, because they are just as bad...or, by being insidious rather than open about their policies, they are even worse, even more dangerous. That is the message that many here are trying to get out.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

mimi's picture


Have yet understood that the Democrats in the US are as deceitful and dangerously and politely lying as the Republicans. I am talking about how much crosses over to the average German who watches
main stream media in Germany. Talking about Europeans in general was not fair from my part, because it's just a guess I have, which I can't back up.

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Amanda Matthews's picture

@mimi lying? And are the Repubs and the Libertarians the ones betraying us or is it the 'New' neo-liberal Democrats. I've always thought that if people told you they were on your side and they would work and fight for you if you held up your end of the bargain, and you support and enable them, they are your worst enemy, not the ones that you know are against you.

And it's not over. It is NEVER over. Have you seen the list of sell-outs being nominated for the head of the DNC. Are you watching how fast these 'champions' of the Left are falling in line with Trumps horrific cabinet picks? Thinking that the dangers from the betrayers on the Left is as stupid as the meme we came up with after Nixon got run out of town, "Never Again". Because we got over confident and lazy and now look, we're back where we started from. Never Again has turned into Here We Go Again, only it may be far worse than before what with all the nifty toys and methods our government has to spy on us.

That's okay though if you don't understand. What's not okay is thinking that the danger is past from those shit weasels in the 'New' Democratic Party. What I don't understand is how can anyone think that it is.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

mimi's picture

@Amanda Matthews
I am sorry to reply so late. I had real life work to do and was not online.

I think I understand well, what to expect from Old or New Democrats with regards to them being willing or capable to work for the interest of the majority 95 percent of the people. Not much.

I attended once in Washington DC the "Populism 2015" conference, where the key speakers were Keith Ellison, Robert Borsosage, Jim Hightower, Larry Cohen and others. You can look up the rest of them and the whole schedule of issues and speakers in this three day conferemnce. This was a conference that covered a lot of issues I feel I support and would engage for. Yet I left the conference with a strange feeling of disconnect between the speakers and their ability to have influence on policies despite their best efforts.

Why was that?

I also attended Ralph Nader's conference "Breaking through Power" in May 2016. He had a second one in September 2016, which I didn't attend and knew about. The first conference really covered in depths all issues I am interested to know about. I wanted to know what and how people work towards their goals. I could only find this description of the first Nader conference:

Celebrating the 50th anniversary year of Ralph Nader’s book Unsafe at Any Speed, the Center for Study of Responsive Law announces four days of civic mobilization at Constitution Hall in Washington, D.C. on May 23, 24, 25 and 26, 2016. Unsafe at Any Speed unleashed fresh energies and sparked the creation of numerous advocacy organizations leading to major consumer, environmental and worker safety protections.

The theme of this citizen mobilization will be elaborating ways to break through power to secure long-overdue democratic solutions made possible by a new muscular civic nexus between local communities and Washington, D.C.

On these four days, speakers will present innovative ideas and strategies designed to take existing civic groups to higher levels of effectiveness. The participants will be asked to support the creation of several new organizations. One such group will work to open up the commercial media, which use the public airwaves free of charge, to serious content. Another will facilitate action by retired military, national security and diplomatic officials who want to deter unconstitutional and unlawful plunges into wars that lead to calamitous and costly blowbacks.

This “Civic Mobilization” will involve thousands of people at Constitution Hall and around the country and connect long-available knowledge to long-neglected action for the necessities and aspirations of people from all backgrounds. Many of the presentations will feature reforms and redirections for the common good enjoy Left/Right support.

Breaking Through Power: How it’s Done—May 23, 2016 will feature presentations by seventeen citizen advocacy groups. Over decades these activists have produced amazing accomplishments against powerful odds. These civic leaders will demonstrate how, with modest budgets and stamina, they have improved the health, safety and economic well-being of the people and focused public opinion onto decision-makers and opponents. Through greater visibility, broader support and wider emulation, they will present their future missions and show that it can be “easier than we think” to make major changes. For the first time ever, this diverse group of fighters for justice will be assembled together on stage at Constitution Hall and show that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts when fighting for a broader democratic society. The presenters will appraise what levels of citizen organization is necessary to fulfill these broadly-desired missions.

Breaking Through Power: The Media - May 24, 2016, brings together also for the first time a large gathering of authors, documentary filmmakers, reporters, columnists, musicians, poets and editorial cartoonists. All of these presenters have documented or depicted entrenched wrongdoing by the corporate state or “crony capitalism”—the cruel impacts of corporate crimes and abuses, the absence of governmental law enforcement, and the harmful effects of concentrated corporate power.

The speakers all seek wider audiences for their works: more readers, viewers and listeners. Unfortunately the mass media barons prefer to wallow in incessant advertising, hedonistic entertainment, sports and mind-numbing redundancy. The result is what many observers see as the stupefaction of human intelligence. A major purpose of Day Two is the creation of a “Voices” advocacy organization that puts forces in motion to inject serious programming into the over-the-air and cable networks under a revitalized Communications Act of 1934 and generally champion a greater life of the mind on all media.

Breaking Through Power: War - May 25, 2016 is dedicated to enhancing the waging of peace over the waging of war. We will assemble leading scholars having military and national security backgrounds, veterans groups such as Veterans for Peace, and long-time peace advocacy associations, to explain how peace is more powerful than war. The speakers will address the horrors of war, its huge costs here and abroad to innocents and the weakening blowbacks of Empire amidst a collapse of constitutional and international law. One outcome of this day will be the establishment of a Secretariat comprised of current and former top-level military, national security and diplomatic officials who have spoken truth to reckless power. If organized for quick responses, their credibility, experience and wisdom can resist and prevent the kind of prevaricating pressures and unilateral policies that drove the unlawful destruction of Iraq, Libya and beyond.

Breaking Through Power: Congress — May 26, 2016 will unveil a new Civic Agenda to be advanced by engaged and enraged citizens in each Congressional district. The Civic Agenda includes recognized necessities ignored by Congress for decades. The planks of this Civic Agenda will be presented by nationally-recognized advocates—a veritable brain trust for the well-being of present and future generations. Each speaker will present the substance of each demand, which will be conveyed to their members of Congress via organized “Citizen Summons” in each Congressional District. Revitalizing the people to assert their sovereignty under our Constitution is critical to the kind of government, economy, environment and culture that will fulfill human possibilities and respect posterity.

The author of this text then continued saying:

It's this last section I find concerning. "Citizen Summons" sounds weak to me. I have been arguing for muscular approaches. That means (to the author) that no matter what strategy you're pursuing, citizens need to marry activist efforts to credible electoral threats. ( me: and the threat to vote for Trump to avoid to vote for the lesser evil, which wasn't really less evil, but more smoothly expressed hypocritcal lies, was >not the right sort of threat)

Citizens need to organize into voting blocs, and not imagine that they can consistently bring feather dusters to a gun fight, and win.

I came out of this conference with no feelings of disconnect, it was just difficult to digest so many speakers. Their work, as they described it, was very interesting to learn about.

Nevertheless I always ask myself how people organize movements that actually have impact on legislators and can break or control the corporate powers, who control the government. Speeches and conferences and shouting out on blogs isn't going to do it ... anymore ... I would think. Out of this came my musing of why some people at c99p believe that voicing their frustration about the Democrats lies and betrayals will still make a difference.

Since I returned to Germany from having lived for over 35 years in the US and having lost connections to German politics and a home there, all I hear the Germans asking is "We don't understand why the Americans could have voted for Trumpf". Nobody knows about the Democrats' failures and lies (it's not talked about criticqlly about it in Germany's msm), but all have realized what Trump has said. It was very difficult to not hear it...I don't blame them.

They fear Trump, because he is a catalyst of the rise of right-wing populism in Europe. Many have very bad memories or our last "last tango" with right-wing nationalist populist in the Weimar Republik. The criticism against Trump in the US is mostly issue oriented towards identity policies. Some poeple in Europe might feel that there are more important overriding policies than single identity issues.

One didn't hear so much criticism in the US about Trumps influence on Europe and ME and what kind of foreign policy changes he would trigger, unintentionally or on purpose isn't even a qeustion anymore. People here have always wondered about the Rumsfelds, Wolfowitzes, Cheneys, the Boltons and more. H. Clinton was not understood by the average German and not realized as dangerous. (May be a failure of our media). Now they wonder about Trump. Rightfully so.

I just am saying that talking about the Democrats' failures and lies and betrayals isn't anymore the biggest "news" I would need to get analyzed. I understood those pretty well. You know I read the Evening Blues... for a reason... Enough said.

But criticism of the Democrats' lies doesn't cross over to Europe and it's not important to them. If I tell them here that Trump is not the only one who is dangerous, Democrats were in it the same way, they just would say why would that make a difference now, as obviously they (the US voters) didn't even realize that they shouldn't have voted for Trump. And I am sorry that my "being originally from Germany" leads me to have a slightly different approach to listen to more intense criticism of Democrats than criticism of Trump here on C99p.

I want to know how to fight your next government's expected mis-deeds. All I can say the people here are "All EARS" wide open about Trump and the media are running their mouth all over their fears.

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mimi's picture


I am aware of this woman's feelings and feel pretty much the same way. I do understand what has been said. I am saying that his is not in the Europeans conscience on the average and therefore I think you also need to think about those people overseas who give up on listening.

(Sane Progressive on Inauguration Protests & Women's March. Own Our OWN Sh*t First - posted on January 21)
(Michael Moore, Corporate Feminists, & Controlled Opposition of Women's March Washington - posted on January 22nd))

I think deep down the Europeans are less prone to get manipulated by propaganda of the neo-liberal Democrats in the US. Our own Democrats on Germany are as weak and similar weasel wording as the US Democrats. But I think we are aware of it, at least I hope some are.

Now as the baby has been thrown out with the bathtub water and Trump has been elected and has power, there is no way of not listening to what Trump is saying and doing and it seems to me, right now, that is what is in people's mind first.
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Steven D's picture

@Amanda Matthews I've given up on working with the Democratic Party. I cannot argue with your cogent and eloquent remarks, as they are spot on.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

Amanda Matthews's picture

@Steven D @Steven D @Steven D come up with a plan for resisting the idiots on both sides of the aisle. There is no way to go back to the 'New' Democratic Party. They are lining up to keep their own grift going and they have no intention of putting up any resistance to the 1% on our behalf. They learned nothing from this election because we are already being screwed again. For example Keith Ellison, who everyone is saying is the greatest thing since Wonder Bread. Even when you try to give him the benefit of the doubt, that all disappears when you look at his record and see that he is basically no different than the other opportunists running for the position as head of the Washington Shit Weasels (aka the 'New Democratic Party). So what he's a Muslim? He is certainly not a Progressive (or Liberal or whatever). He's nothing more than a mainstream party apparatchik, not a new clean start. Or Cory Booker who pulled an Obama and voted against American's being able to get cheaper meds from Canada and then tried to tell us it was for our own good. A safety issue. You know, protecting us from all those 'unsafe' medications that the Canadians take for their health problems. That moron seemed actually surprised when American's jumped up and told him what a disgusting move that was. Same old same old shit.

NONE of them can be trusted, including Sanders, who's trying to shove Ellison down our throats and has become Chuckie Schumer's new BFF. I don't even pay attention to Warren anymore. She acts tough but in the end goes along with the 'official' party line like Sanders does. Her full throated support of Clinton disgusted me. She has to understand that if not for a Clinton, we wouldn't be where we are today. Bill Clinton pushed through a right-wing racist and corrupt agenda that the Repubbies would NEVER have been able to pass. She lost many of us with her support for the woman who's main qualifications for the office of the president are that she was married to Slick Willie (they were the 'two for the price of one' presidency) and that she doesn't have a penis.

NOW is the time for the Left to be cleaning house and obstructing Trump and fighting back. I expected and knew that if the Clinton Creature won, we were screwed, that our 'reps' would support every bad policy and trade deal she tried to push through as well as the neo-liberal/neocon calls for pushing us toward a possible nuclear war with a power who is not some third world country that we can just start Shock and Awing back to the Stone Age.I didn't expect them to roll over so eagerly to ensure that Trump's taking over was going to be a piece of cake. I should have known better.

EDIT: added the last sentence. For some reason I thought I had put that in there the first time around.

EDIT EDIT: The part about Booker

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa