alan grayson

Alan Grayson: French Elections and a 'Kiss in the Streets'

I have to make this quick, jakkalbessie is getting stuff together for our afternoon wildlife hunt, packing her camera and the mosque spray and shaking her head in disgust that I said 'Let's get ready' then got on the wifi to post this.

We are here in remote Tortuguero, Costa Rica . Uber, then Two buses and a hour and a half bus ride from San Jose.

A Quick Set of Questions for Alan Grayson

I haven't been around lately. As some of you know, I have been embroiled in house-hunting (which has not been a pleasant process so far). I also lost my internet connection because 1)my desktop won't turn on, and 2)my laptop has some unspecified problem with its network adapter. So basically all of my Net activities are done through my best friend's desktop, when she's not using it.