
"A lie can make it halfway around the world before the truth can get its boots on."

We've all heard this line before, but what you may not realize is just how durable the lie is.
For example, the lies that get us into wars persist today. I'm not talking about Bush's lies that got us into Iraq in 2003.

What I've learned over the past year

I used to think that being pro-peace meant being anti-war.
I used to think that the tools for opposing war was diplomacy and compromise.
I used to think that things like historical context mattered.
I used to think that nuclear war was something that we needed to avoid at all cost.
I used to think that being pro-Ukraine didn't mean being pro-destruction and dismantling Russia.

Tulsi Gabbard's Latest E-Mail

I found this e-mail very inspiring:

If you haven’t read the “Afghanistan Papers” investigation published by The Washington Post this week, I recommend you do.  It exposes the betrayal and failed leadership of successive administrations. And points to the urgent need for a commander-in-chief who has the necessary experience, understanding, and foresight to bring about a sea change in our foreign policy.

A grassroots anti-war movement is gaining traction

There were only eight of them when the march started.
They carried no weapons, little money, and even fewer supplies. They relied entirely on the kindness of strangers for food and a place to sleep. Everywhere they stopped they shared their stories of tragedy and hardship, and hundreds of locals would gather to listen and share their own stories.
Because there is no place untouched by war in Afghanistan.

The Weekly Watch

Blessed are the Peacemakers

It's Memorial Day Weekend. Why is it we always memorialize warriors, but not those who work for peace? So today let's celebrate those who work for people and planet. I thought it might be fun for everyone to add agents of peace they have encountered in the comments. As we begin it is important to consider that perfection is not a human condition. However some people are drawn into the service of peace because they see the insanity of war. Smedley Butler comes to mind...both a soldier and a peacemaker.
