black lives matter

Open Thread on Race and Propaganda

Something Old, Something New will be back next week. I want to use my Open Thread this week to discuss an uncomfortable development in the ways we talk about race.

It seems that it's time to bring out this old speech, which has been in danger of being reduced to a cliche that people repeat but pay no real attention to:

Democrats advised candidates not endorse the policies of Black Lives Matter

Interesting article in Common Dreams.

Newly leaked documents show Democratic campaign officials advised U.S. House of Representatives candidates not to explicitly support "concrete policy solutions" proposed by the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement and to limit the number of activists invited to campaign appearances.

Black Lives Matter Declares War On Israel

According to Alan Dershowitz anyhow:

It is a real tragedy that Black Lives Matter — which has done so much good in raising awareness of police abuses — has now moved away from its central mission and has declared war against the nation state of the Jewish people.

Not exactly a declaration of war Alan:

"Officer-Involved Shooting" = Murder by Police

Philando Castile was murdered in Minnesota by a police officer as he was sitting in his car, reaching for his license and registration. His girlfriend, Lavish Reynolds, and her four-year-old daughter were in the car. As is common in extrajudicial murders of black people in America, the victim's loved one, Lavish, was taken into custody and as of this writing has not been released even though she is accused of no crime.

Broken criminal justice system: Ignoring the Mind

Many have voiced concern about our broken criminal justice system, even predating Martin Luther King, Jr. The concern has been logarithmically increased, especially in the past four years. Hurray for Black Lives Matter for bringing this issue to the forefront of political discourse--though they are certainly not the first such movement to call attention to the broken, two-tiered criminal justice "system".

Her Name was Zella

It has been ten whole days since I wrote about the murder of a trans woman of color.

The respite couldn't last.

In the early evening on Thursday Zella Ziona, 21, was walking in an alleyway between two shopping centers in Montgomery Village, Maryland when she was surrounded by four or five teenagers. According to a witness, one of the youths pulled out a gun and shot Ziona in the head.

Zella was rushed to a hospital, where she died.

Police initially identified the victim as a woman, but by later in the evening insisted on misgendering and dead-naming her. As usual, the media followed suit.

An impromptu vigil took place last night.
