
I just saw the weirdest thing on Yahoo

It was a story about the State Department asking for permission to hold off on the Clinton e-mail requests for 28 months. When I went back to Yahoo, the story was no longer on the front page.

Has anyone else here heard of this?

If true, it sure raises stink-test alarms in relation to the meeting between our AG and Bubba.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch, Bill Clinton Met Amid Email Investigation...

What the actual fuck?

"Unscheduled" my ass....

Why do I think this is complete B.S.?

Who just happens to pop onto the private plane that it hauling the AG that is investigating his spouse and just talks about golf, travel and grand kids?

This is shameless and outrageous...

Some questions and thoughts in preparation for the Bernie town hall

So, I threw my back out and couldn’t sit for long at the computer—and on the same day, my computer started turning itself off abruptly every time it booted up! (I think there may be a fan/overheating problem). I’m now relegated to my laptop, and relatively short stints at keyboard.


UPDATE I want to thank all the posters for many very interesting suggestions in the responses. I will try them out. And we should let each other know when we discover the sort of reporting, journalism and opinion that is worth reading.


The Clintons' and Luxury Hotels - $35,000 a night! Some charity.

While I have been investigating the Kempenski Luxury Resort they are tearing down parts of a national park in Dominica to build, I ran into some interesting side notes about the Clinton's tasty habits in hotels.

Sultan Suite, Ciragan Palace Kempinski, Istanbul ($35,700 a night )

We Said It Was a Corrupt Oligarchy. UPDATE: I Just Figured It Out! A Bit More Update: FBI Connection?

Therefore, it's no surprise when it behaves like one.
Bernie said there was corruption. Well, we found it.
The only surprise here is that they were this ham-handed and blatant, seriously jumping the gun when there was no need to, using a method which could create a lot more blowback than other, subtler methods.

Dear DNC, (a taste of the shit sandwich they are trying to feed us!)

Email to DNC:

I have been voting mostly as a Democrat for more than 40 years and donated over $700 to Obama Campaign.

That all ends today. The NV Convention is the last straw.

The Democrats would rather lose the general with the liar and cheater-in-chief, Hillary Clinton, than win with an honest man-of-the-people, even if they have to steal the votes of a convention to get the Queen of Corruption nominated.

This lying cheating undemocratic political party no longer deserves my support. And neither does any candidate who would run on the ticket of such a corrupt party.

My vote for Bernie in the Texas primary will go down on record as my last EVER vote for anyone running on the ticket of the undemocratic "Democratic" Party.

I am now an Independent Voter and have joined a rapidly growing segment of the voting population in proclaiming myself as such.
