
The neoliberals' cultural stock is in decline.

The neoliberals' cultural stuck is in decline. When they had that suave dude Barack Obama telling everyone he was like Gandhi or Mandela, that was totally a thing. Cultural neoliberalism was rockin' da house as every branch of government, both state and Federal, was being awarded to Republicans.

The role of empathy in human thought. How did we evolve separate value systems?

The human mind is not as flexible as we might like to think. The most obvious place to see this is in the political sphere. Knee jerk responses to frames are the norm, not the exception. The most common place to see this is in the mass media. Political propagandists have known this for centuries.

Calling Out Culture Nannies and Cognitive Dissonance

Alright, time to man up, Snowflake…

What is the equivalent of Snowflake™ in terms of culture?

People who use the term snowflake are always whining about all kinds of crazy shit — starbucks hates Christmas, the WAR on Christmas, happy holidays hurts my fee-fees, protest peacefully, peaceful protest is terrorism, get your government hands off my medicare. omg, he didn't even capitalize GOD!!!
