#daily kos

This Site is Great

All those echo chamber types at DK saying "If you don't like it -go somewhere else." Here it is. Thank You.
I was banned from them a couple years ago for warning that supporting a guy like Mike Brown, was a mistake, and a lie.
They didn't want to here it- "hear no evil" etc. I told them these lies would alienate White Allies- they didn't care.
Born in East LA- "Ef me? No- Ef You."

I got banned today by the Big Orange Thingy

I wrote a diary last night and set it to auto publish at 8am this morning. Everything went as planned. Within an hour my diary was on the rec list. I left the house around 11:30am to go protest with MoveOn.Org at Senator Cruz's office here in Dallas, took some pictures, hung out for a while and then came back home, excited to write a new diary about protesting Senator Cruz. (I really despise Cruz).

Probably my last Daily Kos diary. “The Sorry State of The Daily Kos Front Page - A Statistical Analysis”

Rather than writing another post about Markos’ ridiculous authoritarian decree to line up behind the establishment, I decided to write about the other major problem with that site. It’s a breakdown showing just how much of the front page is filled with Trump and other “dumb stuff a Republican said” posts and how little of it is about electing more and better Democrats. If Markos reads it, he should feel ashamed, but I think he’s beyond shame at this point.