
It's the economy, stupid. Trump wins as the U.S. economy soars

In the most recent installment of the Dismal Swamp News, your reporter declaimed (or proclaimed) "are you tired of winning yet?" Not too subtle reference to Commander Cheeto's pre-election promise that "we will get tired of winning". Well, El Trumpo is winning and has been winning. The Dems mistake whining for winning.

There's Trouble on the Horizon

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered."

-Thomas Jefferson

Cornel West's dishonest response to questions of Trump's economic policies helping African Americans.

Has the whole world gone mad? Maybe. But certainly a large proportion of the American politically-interested populace seems to be breeding a growing number of lunatics. The brief film clip (11:49) included with this essay reveals the degree from reality many formerly respected left-progressive spokespeople have descended driven into the madness of rampant Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Six impossible things before breakfast

How does a sane person deal with the insanity that is America today? The party line on just about every topic one might mention is the wrong side of stupid. The media zeitgeist is to ignore our falling apart ecology, economy, infrastructure, educational system, political system, and foreign policy. Our duty is to worship the crooks on Wall St. and the warmongers in the Pentagon, both of whom are robbing the citizenry blind while providing negative value to the 99% with their "services".
