Little Milton

Album of the Week 2-10-24

Afternoon folks!

Here we go. Starting off we've got an album of acoustic blues from one of Leroy Carr's guitar accompanists, Bill Gaither, followed by a compilation of Chicago harmonica blues. After that, I've uploaded half of a compilation album of Albert King and Little Milton Campbell. Youtube had a site error the other night and I wasn't able to get Little Milton's side uploaded as I had planned, but I'll try to get it uploaded as soon as I can. After that, there's some blues rock with Johnny Winter And followed by a live album from Robin Trower. In the diversity department, there's an amusing solo album from Peter Stampfel, one of the founders of the Holy Modal Rounders. Finally, there's a single from King Curtis with Eric Clapton that never got much attention but should have.

Have a great weekend and enjoy!

Album of the Week 11-25-23

Afternoon folks!

I hope that you're all having a great, long fall weekend. This week we've got a blues album from Little Milton in I suppose the middle part of his career when he was recording for Chess records. After that we've got some live zydeco from Queen Ida. Then there's a bunch of blues rock - a double album compilation of early Fleetwood Mac with Peter Green and Jeremy Spencer, followed by a live album from Foghat. Then we go acoustic with a double live album from Doc & Merle Watson and we finish up with a change of pace - an album by Ghanaian musicians Osibisa.

Enjoy and have a great weekend folks!