men's rights

But I don't want to be a Dad, costs too much, too much hassle

I ran across this video the other day. It (and a comment posted in another essay) brought back to the forefront of my mind the issue of forced fatherhood.

Women have a right to reject the responsibilities of parenthood by having an abortion. Men do not have a right to reject those parental responsibilities.

In this grand remaking of society pushed by feminism how shall we address this inequity?

People Don't Like Hard Questions (or How Feminism is Killing the Left))

I expect a lot from the authors and posters here. I expect that you're informed on the issues of the day. I expect your stories to be true when portrayed as true, to the very best of your abilities. It is expecting a lot perhaps, but I've seen a sliver of your souls. And I'm comforted. For I am certain that you expect a lot of yourselves also. You hold yourselves to high standards here. Standards of intellectual honesty and compassion, among other nobler qualities. Evidence and reality.