
This is why I am not a Democrat...

Caution - profanity to ensue...

First, some background. There is an initiative on the ballot in November in Colorado. Amendment 69. (Colorado can vote to 'amend' it's constitution by popular vote). This amendment would instigate a single payer program for health care in Colorado. And so I proceed...

The fucking 'Broomfield County Democrats' sent me an e-mail tonight:

Muse, II

Tops go

they spin forever

crossing eyes

in disguise

as is their wont to be, their ownership creed

screaming link to me.


Kurdish, best old friends in ME, get shit upon by NATO


makes gravy of this politic

that's too salty by far


biscuit of champions.

Damn the pusher man

bee stings now cost $600


Preach without delusion

Things I'm not sick of hearing about.

Been thinking, and there's been a lot of talk from certain quarters about things that are "Settled". They've been discussed, they've been kicked around enough and we need to move on.

And I was thinking, I'm not sick about hearing about these things. In fact, they aren't nearly discussed enough. I'd like a bit more discussion on these settled topics, and I'd like the candidates to talk about them.

Clint Eastwood is an Old Pathetic Idiot.

So, Clint did an interview.

And the old guy decided to tell us that we're all far too sensitive about race and need to calm down about it. You see, things were DIFFERENT back in his day. He worked forty hours down at mill for tuppence a week...


Some Advice to Dems: Stop Whinging Continuously About Trump

I have said this for awhile now, it's free publicity and his supporters will not be persuaded to join you no matter what you say. The MSM loves Trump's crazy stuff, they will report everything he says so let people make up their own damn minds.

  • Scary, Racist, Sexist, Bigoted Trump!
  • World ending Trump!
  • Big Red Nuclear Button Trump!
  • Did you see/hear Trump's latest horror show!

Such a waste of effort if you ask me.

Assumptions and Timing and Stuff I Think About When Reading

stuff like this here:

The year-long investigation is expected to conclude in the coming weeks, though it could take longer, leaving open the probability it will cast a shadow over Clinton as she accepts the Democratic Party’s nomination for president in Philadelphia this month and launches her general election campaign against Republican Donald Trump.

the Hillary coalescense is more proof the fix is in

When it comes right down to it, labels like "republican" and "democrat" take a back seat to what's really important: heeding the demands of the $$$ behind all of them that the current regime of unaccountable looting be upheld at all costs. Thus, you see establishment "left" and, in a slightly less open manner, establishment "right" falling in line to elect $ellery, because the $$$ knows their game will be safe in her hands.

Bernie Should Beg For Forgiveness!!!

He should prostate himself before the almighty Democratic Party and plead to be pardoned for daring to fight for the weakest!

He should grovel before the anointed one for daring to take on the DNC!

He should donate a pound of his flesh to the Party grandees and pray to be absolved of all his sins!

He should abandon all hope like the rest of you oiks!

We won, so fuck you!

Oh and by the way

You should get on the bus in the name of #partyunity!

So I've been asked to share this ...

... because I posted a shortish rant to my Facebook page and shit then promptly blew up, lol. I guess I might be outing myself here, but truly, a lot people already know my real name and stuff.

I'm bound to piss off someone with this, but I hope most of you can dig it:


Imma rant now, and rant hard:
