
Is "Alt-Right" Part of a Political Realignment Strategy?

So "alt-right" has become a buzzword. I guess it's the politically correct term for Mouthbreather™ (hat tip to the former Mike Malloy). I just heard it a few weeks ago, and it seems to be everywhere these days.

It seems that there has been some care to point at the "alt-right" for the woes of America and the Republican Party.

It's almost as if the regular old Right bears no responsibility for stoking the Tea Party and pushing inhumane public policy.

Clinton will not be a realignment Presidency: Corey Robin

Here at c99% I've been arguing that realignment is in the cards, and that the main hindrance to a real realignment, one that helps us, is the nice liberals' attachment to Clinton. (The likely outcome in this regard, I argued, was a uniparty, in which the Republicans vote to get what they want and the Democrats vote out of fear.)

We need to demand realignment, not a third party.

I think we ought to be referring to our ultimate goal as that of "realignment." "Third party" is the phrase the Establishment to denigrate our cause and pronounce us as insignificant. Ideally we should want the Green Party to be a second party; the Democratic Party will be the other national party, absorbing the Clintonites and the establishment Republicans under one banner (hint: they're already doing this now).