
Bernie Sanders predicts Republican response to 2017 tax bill

While probably none of us here totally agree with everything Bernie says, I think most of us would unhesitatingly agree that there is no finer practitioner of the art of discomforting Republicans than he. The 2017 Tax Deform Bill has passed but the sage Bernie predicted wisely before it did so: see this 6:47 video for a fine double skewering by the Bern


Hug a right-wing voter, if you want to improve progressives' chances.

There is a standard view of the political spectrum, from left to right, and where the idea of 'reaching out' to the other side is a pretty harmful thing - it means giving up important principles and policies to compromise and get cooperation. Hey, support this corrupt corporate policy, and you'll get this good social justice policy.

We rightfully are repulsed by that paradigm.

Toss it out the window here. There's another.

Roundup-style spraying of US Ideals and Regulations

Gah. We have been doing our usual deal camping in Africa for a couple of months etc since April and only checking in from time to time, but when we do we are astounded at the attacks on all we hold dear by the current gov, the duopoly, and Mr. Trump.

This afternoon, instead of being out getting in some exercise further exploring old Venetia we got roped into reading C99 and other news.
