
Sick Bastards Have to Go - It is Time for a Revolution


"All I know is that first you’ve got to get mad. (shouting) You’ve got to say: ‘I’m a human being, god-dammit! My life has value!"
Howard Beale

Prior to Little Hands Dictator Trump's unbearably chickenshit speech at the United Fraud, the Wall Street, I said WALL STREET, Journal made a proposal to solve the North Korea manufactured "crisis".

Midnight Special

We don't have this anymore. It's not the same. Somehow, society changed from progressive racial acceptance and tolerance to apathetic ambivalence.

I think it was disco. I liked the Bee Gees, hell were they talented. But shit, they went too far. We all went too far and now look.

Maybe we'll have another chance.

This is what I liked, this is what I believed. This is what I still believe. It never left me. It never left many of us. It's waiting to be reborn.

Begging for War


Trapped. That's how I feel now when I read what's happening in the foreign policy/geopolitical world. Trapped. I feel like screaming out to anyone, "hey, can't you see!!"

But there's no one who will listen except the die hard anti-imperialists who truly understand what has happened and what is happening. They're all trapped also.

Don't Take the Bait

When is a trap not a trap?
Don M. posted an essay exhorting folks to get off their ass and Do something peaceful(paraphrased all to hell), and has issues with some(okay, My) responses, and another today requesting clarification.
Always happy to oblige(HAH!), I'm gonna give it a go in the interests of furthering dialogue.

End U.S. Imperialism - "Coalition Against U.S. Foreign Military Bases"

end u.s. imperialism.jpg

Pretend you're at a carnival game booth and when you knock a U.S. foreign military base off the map you get a cute little stuffed animal. For every subsequent base you knock off, you can trade up for a bigger prize. Maybe even free health care and college education FOR ALL! `
