
Local Resilience: Democratic Socialism - Small Is Beautiful 2/4

How well do you know the democratic socialism that Bernie is reviving across the continent? When you discuss with friends what Bernie means, do you have the full picture? Corporatist capitalism has erased most of FDR's New Deal democratic socialism and today's people have no memory of it. It is most helpful to have a general overview of the benefits of democratic socialism when talking with capitalist-formed people.
Here's Part One:
This diary series explores the outlines of Bernie's economic philosophy. We do so using a famous book that came out when a young Bernie Sanders was forming his economic philosophy: Small Is Beautiful (1973), by the post-WWII British economist E.F. Schumacher. It is subtitled "Economics As If People Mattered." We follow the four parts of the book very closely and attempt to tie it to Bernie's economics. Have no fear: there's no technical language, or math, or any Marx. Well, it's a long-form essay and the language is from the 70s, but so am I :=) Don't be deterred: read it in stages.
If you'd like to see a town that has transitioned to democratic socialism, see Totnes, a small market town in Devon, England, the town that created the Transition Town movement:
Please follow me for more below for the democratic-socialist corrective to the dismal science.

Labeling Hillary - or As the Windsock Turns

My wife and I watched the debate last night. It was a very unsettling experience. Bernie missed many opportunities to really nail Clinton. What's worse, he got a little wrapped up in the back and forth jabs and showed himself to be a little rattled. I think scoring debates is pretty much a useless exercise but what a debater/candidate can do, is build on the experience and refocus the message.

Bernie vs HRC debate today: A+ for Hillary on Social Security

For those who know my fondness for Hillary, do not fear. Today's Democratic Party Primary Debate held in New York brought forth a feeble acceptance that Hillary is now in favor of lifting the cap for taxable income on upper income payers for social security funding--IYCTH (acronym will be explained below).

Bernie's Magic Carpet Ride T-6: NY Polling Trend Lines

Hello, c99 friends, just got in from the weekly trip into the city. Running behind on everything: darn good thing I got retired; now I have more time in which to run behind on all my projects :=) No time for digging today either. Grr.
Yesterday the classic catch-up "horns" were forming nicely in the respective NY trendlines, but Clinton's has flattened out today. (A new NBC/WSJ/Marist poll included has Clinton 57-40 - in line with their poll earlier and same methodology and error rate - which can be taken with the same grain or two of salt.) Below is the National Dem Race trend lines.

So... I'm gearing myself up to phone bank...

I know a lot of you have done so, and I really need your moral support right now. This is my first post here, although I comment a lot, and I'm sorry its one asking you for something!

You have to understand the kind of person I am - I can run my mouth all day on the Interwebs, I have no trouble stating my opinions here, but I also generally get really stressed out by pie fights, conflicts and nastiness, which I why I avoid GOS like the plague now.

Bernie's Magic Carpet Ride T-8: NY Polling Trend Lines

Update: New Quinnipiac has Clint0n 53-40. More on that tomorrow.
We're featuring the NY polls every day until the election in 10 days on 19 April. NY has 247 delegates at stake. Plus, the little matter of momentum and narrative.

Bernie's magic carpet hit some turbulence this weekend. His 55.7%-44.3% win in Wyoming wasn't as big as hoped and he lost a bit in the delegate math. And the weekend brought two disappointing polls, although they both had a b it of a thumb on the scale. More below.
