
Democratic State Party Arse holes

At first, I could see human error coming into play. The second time, er, I still was not convinced. I just distrust CT after being burned by one some years ago. But after then 3d, 4th, 5th, etc., example, you have to set aside any uncertainty and realize just how rigged the game has become.

Bernie's Magic Carpet Ride T-9: NY Polling Trend Lines

We're featuring the NY polls every day until the election in 10 days on 19 April. NY has 247 delegates at stake. Plus, the little matter of momentum and narrative.

Bernie's magic carpet hit some turbulence this weekend. His 55.7%-44.3% win in Wyoming wasn't as big as hoped and he lost a bit in the delegate math. And the weekend brought two disappointing polls, although they both had a b it of a thumb on the scale. More below.

Bernie's Magic Carpet Ride T-10: NY Polling Trend Lines


We're featuring the NY polls every day until the election in 10 days on 19 April. NY has 247 delegates at stake. Plus, the little matter of momentum and narrative.

Bernie met the delegate math target in his WI win of 57% and will get another little bounce in Wyoming today. Then the magic carpet flies high as it can to get over the NY wall. Have you been noticing all the tremors beneath the other campaign and all the little cracks spreading throughout the NY wall? Cool, eh?
Below are the graphs from Huffpo. Also, Steppenwolf.

Local Resilience: Democratic Socialism - Small Is Beautiful Part 1/4

The impact of Bernie Sanders is becoming the topic of 2016. Folks everywhere are marvelling at the popularity of his ideas. They're so mainstream! What is this democratic socialism he's on about? This diary series will explore the outlines of Bernie's economic philosophy. We will do so using an oldie, but a goodie, the post-WWII British economist E.F. Schumacher’s Small Is Beautiful (1973). It is subtitled "Economics As If People Mattered."

We will follow the four parts of the book very closely and attempt to tie it to Bernie's economics, beginning in part two and onward.
Have no fear: there's no technical language, or math, or any Marx. Well, it's a long-form essay and the language is from the 70s, but so am I :=)
Please follow me for more below for the democratic-socialist corrective to the dismal science.

Bernie predicted to win all but 2 of the remaining states---

PPB (Political People Blog) has a new article out detailing the work of Julian Blair, a statistician and economist from the University of New South Wales in Australia who has been closely monitoring the race here.

Statistical Analyst : Bernie Sanders Will All of The Remaining States Except Two

The key argument Blair makes to PPB is:

Bernie's Magic Carpet Ride T-11: The NY Polling Trendlines


We're featuring the NY polls every day until the election in 11 days on 19 April. NY has 247 delegates at stake. Plus, the little matter of momentum and narrative. Bernie met the delegate math target in his WI win of 57%.

He'll receive another little bounce in Wyoming tomorrow and then the magic carpet flies high as it can to get over the NY wall. Have you been noticing all the tremors beneath the other campaign and all the little cracks spreading throughout the NY wall? Cool, eh?
Below are the graphs from Huffpo. Also, Steppenwolf.

Bernie Sanders on Hillary's Votes and Positions: "I don't think you are qualified to be President if..."

The Very Best Candidate to Preserve the Status Quo!

Of course, the Ruling Elite has their hair on fire after hearing this statement of Bernie's because, in their eyes, each and every item on this list makes Hillary Clinton eminently qualified to be the next President of the United States.

Bernie Sanders speaking last night at rally at Philadelphia:

Bernie's Magic Carpet Ride T-12: NY Polling Trendlines


We're featuring the NY polls every day until the election in two weeks on 19 April. NY has 247 delegates at stake. Plus, the little matter of momentum and narrative. Bernie met the delegate math target in his WI win of 57%. He'll receive another little bounce in Wyoming this weekend and then the magic carpet flies high as it can to get over the NY wall. Below are the graphs from Huffpo. Also, Steppenwolf.
