Daily Kos

Who's Rodney Stooksbury? Someone Who Ran As a Dem in GA's 6th With No Money But Got More Votes Than the $30 Million Dollar Man, Ossoff. Where's Honest Gil When You Need Him?

Hey C99 Family...

I don't really have an essay here and I don't want to waste anyone's time, so apologies in advance. I've just settled in not long ago to the AC after a full day out with the infant Boy, and three cans of beer later am catching up with some of the news today.

But I've just had a serious, from-the-belly laugh and need to know: Am I reading this right?

Basic Reason to Block Trump SCOTUS Pick: Justice

petition language (MoveOn.org)
CLICK to sign.

(Analysis.) Many liberal thinkers have put forth good reasons for senators to reject President Trump's nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. People for the American Way, one of a coalition of groups that delivered block-Gorsuch petitions with one million online signatures, cited his ...

troubling views and record when it comes to siding with wealthy and powerful interests, over the rights of working people, women, and the disabled.
