
The Whining of a Dying Economic and Military Empire

Why do I call it whining? Simple. Because on one side you have a bunch of angry white guys bitching about how we'll be a minority by 2040, along with the usual 'JEWJEWJEW' crap they attach to it while ignoring the fact that our imperialist actions led to mass migrations to start with. And besides, Israel is our client state, not the other way around. They serve our interests in the region and they get aid. That's how vassals work.

War & regime change drums beating for Iran: Part II (brief, w/ dark blue ink, smile)

Part I is here, ‘As the drumbeats for war on Iran grow more thunderous, ‘education is key’, some history of Iran by way of a Twitter storify by Nyusha (an orphan of the revolution).  It’s longish, and as I’d resized Tweets for the Café, for c99ers, I’d reckoned you could simply click in to read at your leisure without reading the much larger Tweets there, and having to go scrollingsrollingscrolling down.  She’s dug up fantastic archival photos, artwork, and a lot of history that was quite new to me.

Pullin’ their Counterpunches? (you decide)

Taken from the comments below ‘US and imperialist allies launch strikes against Syria’ april 14, wsws.org, april 14:

“i know I shouldn’t do it because it’s bad for my health but I sometimes tune in to Louis Proyect to see what spin he is giving these events. His latest is jaw-dropping:  https://www.counterpunch.or… [‘Chemical Attacks, False Flags and the Fate of Syria’ by Louis Proyect]
“Apart from the slimy tactic of drawing a parallel between the false flag interpretation of the alleged Syrian chemical attack and the theory that the moon landings were faked, he also says this:

Alleged Gas Attack in Eastern Gouta Provides Cover for a Wider Regional War

This all seems designed to prepare the world for a three-fer against Syria, Russia, and Iran.  And if it comes to war, we need to remember that China has indicated that with any attack on Russia, China will respond.  I’ll hand you over to CNN for now, and note that Wesley Clark says that John Bolton has assembled the National Security Council today.  Mad Dog says he won’t rule anything out, but ask why are there chemical weapons in Syria when Russia was supposed to have removed them all?  Please consider this an Open Thread.

The Weekly Watch

In Order to Form a More Perfect Oligarchy

If we are an Empire, who is the Emperor? There isn't one. It's a cabal. A cabal of billionaires and CEO's...integrated vertically and horizontally...united by profit...banks and money supply, the war machine, fossil fuels, big pharma and health insurance, food and seed production, congress and the courts...all while holding the big media megaphone...with tentacles reaching around the globe and into our local city, county, and state power structure. But the pressing issue of the day...and seemingly everyday...is what will T-rump tweet as the world burns?


The Continuation of the Project for a New American Century


Back in September 2000, the neocon/Zionist think tank, Project for New American Century (PNAC), published a 90 page report called "Rebuilding America's Defenses - Strategy, Forces, and Resources for a New Century." PNAC was founded by neocon/Zionists William Kristol and Robert Kagan and included many of the neocons that infested the Bush administration starting in 2001.
