Open Thread

Album of the Week - 5-11-24

Afternoon folks!

We've got some great music this week starting off with Muddy Waters' classic Woodstock album and an album by New Orleans piano player Cousin Joe. After that we've got serious blues-rock with albums from Duke Tumatoe & The Power Trio, Downchild, Roy Buchanan (I think it's his last one) and Creedence Clearwater Revival's Bayou Country. After that we've got DC localish band Root Boy Slim's first album and we finish off with a straight 80's rock album from the Swimming Pool Q's.

Enjoy the tunes and have a great weekend!

Saturday Open Thread 5/11/24: Odds and Ends

Good morning, good people!

I hope everyone is doing well, or even doing FANTASTIC!

I had this question about definitions, or even words, with my Dear One, a transplanted Texan.

We were looking at flooded roads and ditches, and I asked him, "Do you call ditches beside a highway "bar ditches?" He had never heard the term, and that is the only term I have heard them called in my life.

Another friend from many years ago was from Boston. She was my next door neighbor while we both lived in Houston. I mentioned I needed to locate a washateria. She had no idea what I was talking about, and slid into this lecture about how I was a sort of hillbilly making words up, and that I was really talking about a laundromat. About that time, on a busy street in west Houston, I saw a sign, pulled into the parking lot. The sign at the business said, "Westheimer Washateria". She didn't apologize, but did shut up.

Next up, is nit flies. Tiny. Not gnats, but tiny flies. If I came to your state and complained about nit flies, would you even know wtf I was talking about?

Not to mention, I just might not be talking on a "sale phone", even though it might sound that way if I described it. Dialect, people!

Open Thread - 05-10-24 - Schoolin' Them Dice

Much of Donald Trumps victory in 2016 presidential election was attributed to the massive free publicity that was conferred upon him by the mainstream media.

Trump is a master of self promotion. He knows how to sell himself. He put on a show and the press ate it up.

He and the press were locked in a symbiotic dance of a vote seeking parasite feeding on a money seeking ratings driven host, and vice versa.

Well folks, they're doing it again.

What it's really all about.

Open Thread - Thurs 09 May 2024 - Is the Economy Really Good?

9 May 2024 - Is the Economy Really Good?

People's perceptions seem to be that the economy isn't that great. David Sirota, amongst others, did an article about this last month: 'Why Are Biden’s Economic Poll Numbers So Bad?'. The subtitle basically says it all: Economic policy has been erased from the political discourse, which is a problem for Biden — and for democracy.

I think this bit from the article says a lot:

American politics of late is a forum almost exclusively for the culture war, and rarely if ever a forum to discuss — or combat — the class war.

Ain't that the truth?!

Prices! From


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What is happening in Gaza is a crime. I am at a loss for words.
As reports come in, I can't help but feel extreme sorrow for what America has become.
A nation of cowards, no longer the home of the brave. Cowed by a little nation of inhuman extremists bent on world domination through deceit, wholesale violence, and infiltration.
