#Social Security

Open Thread - Thurs 28 Mar 2024 - Social Security and Some Fun!

28 March 2024 - Social Security and Some Fun!

Back in August RJ Eskow wrote 'Social Security, FDR, and the Real Meaning of Liberty' on his substack: The Zero Hour Report: A Newsletter from Richard (RJ) Eskow.

The article is about the meaning of the 'social security' act at the time it was created and now. Eskow writes that the word 'security emphasizes its goal for individuals'. That is, it's about financial security for every man, woman and child in the country. The word social emphasizes the act's broader societal goals; everyone has to be secure, everyone has to be able to eat, to have housing, to live decently.

Signing Of The Social Security Act
FDR signs the Social Security Act. From Wikimedia Commons.

As Eskow writes, Roosevelt framed this as an extension of the liberty upon which the Constitution, Bill of Rights, etc, were founded. That is, liberty for everyone, not for the rich or those in control, but everyone.

Another SS Raise, Another Medicare Clawback

The compliant media have been publicizing and lauding the recent Social Security increase, the largest in recent years. But of course they have let slide, silent and unmentioned, the accompanying raise in Medicare deductions, taking back much of what they have so grudgingly given.

Time To Gird Our Loins For The Coming Austerity War

The full phrase is girding your loins with truth and putting on a breastplate of righteousness before going into battle for a just cause. That sounds like good advice to me; we're going to be standing in the full brunt of a storm of truthiness in the near future as TPTB and media elites 'splain to all the Little People why we can't have nice things like healthcare and retirement with dignity.