Friday Photos

Friday Night Photos Royal Edition

Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. Post any photos, memes, or music you like.

Nothing much new or exciting going on here. We had a week of sunshine and temps in the upper 60's. There was rain forecast for this weekend but since it's a holiday weekend somebody rescheduled it for Tuesday. That was nice of them.

The Royal Terns are in town spending their time hanging out at La Jolla Cove.


Friday Night Photos Color Free Edition

Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. As always, post any photos, meme's, or music you like.

It's been raining all week in sunny San Diego. Along with the rain we had a tornado warning on Tuesday. The warning advised to head to your basement if a tornado touched down. I had to laugh at that since most homes in San Diego are built on a slab and don't have basements. Thankfully no tornado materialized, so the lack of a basement was not an issue.

Because of all the rain I didn't get out with the camera this week. Instead I occupied my time re-editing some old photos and converting them to B&W and sepia.


Friday Night Photos Not Quite Woodstock Edition

Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. Post any photos, memes, or music you like.

I wasn't sure what photos I was going to post for tonights FNP until I read Sima's OT yesterday morning and decided to keep the music theme going. These are from a small two day music festival I attended about five years ago. The festival is held the last weekend in July every year at Greenhorn Mountain Park near Kernville, Ca. All the musicians and bands are from the Ridgecrest area.


Friday Night Photos More Birds Edition

Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. Post any photos, meme's or music you like.

Unlike most of the rest of the country, San Diego has been warm and dry this week. Temps hit the mid 70s on Tue and yesterday. But the good times don't last forever. There is rain in the forecast for this weekend and early next week. Oh well. At least the price of gas dropped another 15¢ a gal in the last week. Now it only costs you an arm instead of an arm and a leg when you fill up the car.
Stay warm and dry and have a great weekend.

White Pelican, Double-crested Cormorant, and Rainbow Trout(soon to be breakfast)

Friday Night Photos Leftovers Edition

Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. Post any photos, meme's or music that trips your trigger.

Temps have been down all week. It's been in the low 30s most mornings and highs in the low 60s. We also had a little bit of rain yesterday morning. The price of gas has held steady for the last few weeks at $4.60 a gal. and groceries are still expensive as hell.

I didn't get out with the camera this week so here are some leftovers from last year and late 2022.

Fun time with Fido

Friday Night Photos New Year Edition

Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. Post any photos, meme's, or music you like.

Happy New Year to all. It's been a so-so start to the new year. On the plus side I've woken up every morning so far, which is a good thing. On the negative side, I'm waking up to the same old shit. Oh well. I'll count my blessings that I'm still waking up. I made my first blood donation of the year on Wednesday. We also had the first rain of the year on Wednesday.

On Tuesday I made my first visit of the year to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. Animal wise it was a slow day. Not much activity. At least the Tiger cubs were out. They were active and they'er cute to boot.


Friday Night Photos Winter White Sale Edition

Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. Post any photos, memes, or music you like

Happy Winter Solstice. The first day of winter has brought moderate temps and rain showers with it. We have now had at least one day with rain every month this year. I've lived in San Diego since 1977 and I don't recall that ever happening before. It's not uncommon to get a day of rain during one of the summer months, but to get rain every month during the summer is out of the norm.
Stay warm and dry and have a happy holiday season.

Winter means snow and while other areas of the country have snow right now, this Snowy Egret and its friends are the closest thing we have to snow right now.

Snowy Egret.

Friday Night Photos Shapes and Patterns Edition

Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. Post any photos, memes, or music you like.

Another week of nice weather with sunny blue skies and day time temps in the low to mid 70s. It has been getting cold at night though. The last few mornings it's been in the mid 30s. Gotta enjoy the nice weather while it lasts. There's rain in the forecast for most of next week.

All these shapes and patterns except the high voltage tower were taken yesterday morning in Old Town San Diego.

