Friday Photos

Friday Night Photos Woodie Nirvana Edition

Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. Post any photos, memes, or music you like.

Last Saturday I went to Moonlight Beach in Encinitas for Wavecrest: The Grand Daddy of all Woodie Meets. If you're into Woodies it was the place to be. Woodie sedans. Woodie wagons. Woodie hotrods. Woodie 4x4s. Even the Brits got into the act with a Morris Minor Woodie. If it was on wheels and had wood on it, it was there.


Friday Night Photos Small World vol 7 Edition

Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. Post any photos, memes, or music you like.

Started the week with rain on Sunday. The rest of the week it's been mostly cloudy with below average temps and only a few hours of sun Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon and sprinkles again today. Next week it's supposed to be back to normal late September weather, sunny and 80°.

A few of the little critters from the Balboa Park rose garden.


Friday Night Photos Wall Art Edition

Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. Post any photos, memes, or music you like.

I was on call for jury duty this week but the group I was assigned to didn't get called in, so that was nice. That fulfills my obligation for the next 18 months. Also nice.
Weather wise the week started out a little hot with temps in the low 90s but by Wednesday things cooled off and it's been pleasant the rest of the week with more nice weather in the forecast for the coming week. I see Hurricane Lee is closing in on the New England area. QMS and other members in the area hunker down and stay safe.

This months camera club outing Tuesday morning was to photograph the murals and wall art in Chicano Park. The park is located in Barrio Logan underneath the east end of the Coronado Bridge where bridge pylons and buildings provide the canvas for some excellent cultural artwork.


Friday Night Photos Bayfront Edition

Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. Post any photos, memes, or music you like.

The lesser of two evils? This week I had a colonoscopy. Next week I have jury duty. Neither one is at the top of my "fun things to do" list. Oh well. At least the weather has been great and for one day this week I can honestly say I wasn't completely full of shit.

It's been a few years since I've done any night time photography so last week on Wednesday evening I went to Coronado Island to photograph the San Diego bayfront and skyline at sunset and the rising of the super blue moon. It was a beautiful evening with clear skies, no wind, and temp in the mid 70s.

My new boat

Friday Night Photos Metallic Green Beetle Edition

Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. As always, post any photos, memes, or music you like.

No, not a VW Beetle, a Figeater Beetle, which often show up at the Balboa Park rose garden in numbers around this time of year to feast on the decomposing or soon to be decomposing rose blossoms.


Friday Night Photos McMansion Edition

Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. As always, post any photos, memes, or music you like.

These Victorian McMansions were built in various areas of San Diego during the 1880s-1890s and moved to Old Town San Diego in the 1970s.

Christian House (1889) This graceful residence was constructed by Harfield Timberlake Christian, founder of an early San Diego abstract company. It is built in a popular late Victorian design characterized by a variety of chimneys, shingles, a corner tower, and encircling veranda.

Friday Night Photos Old Town Edition

Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. You know the drill, post any photos, memes, or music you like.

The camera club I belong to went to photograph the Victorian homes at Heritage Park in Old Town San Diego Tuesday morning. When we finished we walked over to the Old Town Mexican Cafe for lunch. I tried to capture a little of the flavor of Old Town along the way. With good weather, good friends, and good food it was an all around great day.

Some info on Old Town San Diego.

Fresh made tortillas at Old Town Mexican Cafe

Friday Night Photos Reptile Edition

Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. As always, post any photos, memes, or music you like.

I woke up yesterday and realized I didn't have any photos ready for tonights FNP. It brought back memories from school days when you remember, Oh shit, I have a test tomorrow and I haven't studied all week. So I grabbed the camera and headed to the zoo to do a little cramming on the subject of reptiles.

Gray's Monitor Lizard

Friday Night Photos Small World vol 6 Edition

Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. As always, post any photos, memes, or music you like.

It's been a hot one this week. On Tuesday the thermometer on my patio hit 100°. The high temps sparked a nearby wildfire requiring the use of 3 aircraft (2 helo's and a tanker) as well as ground equipment to put out. The flames were visible from my house. Thankfully there were no Santa Ana winds so the fire was quickly contained and extinguished. This is the fourth time in the seven years I've been living in this house there has been a fire that close. Between fires, floods, droughts, extreme cold and other weather events, no matter where you live in the world these days, it's never a dull moment with Mother Nature.

On a less dramatic note, I spent a little time in the rose garden at Balboa Park Tuesday morning photographing the little critters.

